Hi, it was a pleasure reading this informative forum. I hope this forum continue to selflessly give help and support to all thal patients who have accessed this forum.
I was recently diagnosed with a Beta Thalassemia Minor (Phenotype) with the following blood test results:
MCV 57,
MCH 19,
MCHC 33;
Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Hb A 97.5%, Hb A2 2.5%.
Other Blood Test Results that might be helpful:
Ferritin 324 ng/ml (above normal),
Iron 68 ug/dl (normal),
Iron Binding Capacity 354 ug/dl (normal),
Hemoglobin 14.2 g/dl (normal),
Red Blood Cell 7.54 mil/mm3 (above normal), and
Hematocrit 43.3% (normal).
My doctor prescribed a 1600mcg of folic acid daily. Given my figures above, is it really necessary? Or do you recommend me to take further blood tests on B12 and Folic Acid to determine whether I need a folic acid supplement?
What other supplements should i take? Vitamin D? Vitamin E?
Thank you very much. Hope to hear from you soon.