Hi David,
Welcome to the site!
I *had* to reply to your message, when I saw it due to a funny coincidence - my daughter, who also has Biology in her high school and has to do a school project for the year, also selected Thalassaemia for her school project - mainly, I think, because she can get all her dope from me, sitting at home, while not having to do much research! Also, thanks to all the good reviews being received by Vampires lately, she probably thinks it is cool to have a Vampire Dad!
So, to your question - what is a normal day for a Thal?
In most cases, very much like yours I suspect, when I was your age - go to school/college, see if you can cut classes, hang out in the cafetaria, break as many rules as you can safely get away with, play video games, read some books, and do the least amount of studies that could potentially get you an A grade! The difference were the days when one went to the transfusion centre, when the whole thal thing sits on your head and sick days, when you generally get sicker with the common bugs/parasites than your friends would.
The other overhang is the whole iron thing - transfusions are a double edged sword - they keep your HB high, saving your life for now, while injecting a lethal, slow poison into you in the form of iron, that WILL eventually kill you, if untreated. Therefore, you endure all the fuss about chelation. With Desferal, it is not really the needle in the stomach or the thigh that is the real problem, but all the bumps and painful lumps that you get post infusion - that used to be my bane. Until L1/Kelfer came along - I think that saved my life.