Hi Everyone,
Thank you for such a great forum, for the last week i have been in tears and finally a light at the end of a tunnel!!!!
My name is Shayla I am 31 and have been married for 7 years. DH and I have 4 gorgeous kids under 5 and last week we found out our DD age 2 has Thalassemia. She did some more blood tests today to see exactly what type she has and to check a few other things i dont really know what. Both myself and DH are from European back ground, both Greek and I have been told that this blood disorder is hereditary and that it mostly effects mediteranian backgrounds. My lil miss was born with a collapsed lung and spent lots of time in the NICU and it seems that the poor lil baby doll has been through lots for her 2 years of life. This was just another head butt against the brick wall. We havent fully processed it yet and i am getting myself tested on friday as i have always been anemic and always very tired. I want you guys to share with me your experiences in relation to symptoms etc, my DS#2 he is 4 and he is always grumpy, looks pale all the time, dark rings under neath his eyes and always tired so it seems. He is very active and always running around so we have put down the tiredness to the fact that he has ants in his pants and never sits down but could he also be a carrier of thalassemia? he also has pre ariclia pits in both ears (little holes on the temple side of ear - like he has had his ears pierced) is this related to anything?? he has never had a blood test so nothing has ever been found but now that our little girl has been tested we are thinking of all the possibilities etc. Sorry to rant and rave really it is a big relief to have found this site. My anemia has been always put down to being pregnant or just having a baby (cause i have been pregnant every year for 5 years in a row!!) and the doc even tried to put my on anti depressants cause i 'looked' depressed, i tried to explain to him i was tired not depressed but he wouldnt have a bar of it so i changed doctors. iron tables, or liquid iron dont seem to work, it only makes me feel sick and i am forever fainting dh is constantly finding me around the house on the floor. does anyone else get these symptoms??
thank you all so much for taking the time to read my post, and thank you for such a wonderful forum its great to hear of others who are going through the same thing and who can share their knowledge.
hope you are all having a wonderful evening,
kind regards
shayla xx