
I work full time in a busy gov't office. Ive always been a hard worker and feel like I have to put in twice as much effort as a non-Thal to reach the same results. I wake up tired, ignore it as much as I can during the day, to the point where I collapse or feel sick. Doesn't serve my health any, but I don't feel bad about my contribution to the team efforts. Fortunately I have a great boss who seems to have a good understanding of my situation and a great team who supports me when I feel overwhelmed. I carpool to work, always someone else driving, often feel sick on the way and have to take a few mins to recover when I get there.
I go to sleep between 8-9pm and wake up at 5:30 (to be out of the house by 7 and come bk home at 5:30) low quality sleep with trouble balancing my body temp and waking up often during the night too. Usually can fall asleep fast again but not always. Train blowing it's horn at night nearby doesn't help either.
I used to have my own business - holistic practice including energy work, crystal therapy, meditation and so on. Unfortunately when it stopped being enough to support myself I had to closely down and look for something else, but all that time it was running and I had time to rest, meditate, use my crystals regularly and maintain an overall healthier lifestyle (as in just giving my body time to recover) I barely ever got sick, felt exhausted, wasn't getting dizzy as often and even brought down my ferritin and up my hemoglobin. (my ferritin is now within limits but at the lower level, so I'm now taking a supplement to balance that out.)
However, as soon as my body didn't have a chance to rest much anymore and I didn't have time for regular crystal auto-therapy, fatigue and all the rest of my Thal minor symptoms came back with a vengeance. I've had a whole buch of tests done recently and all came back clear, which means Thal + stress are the culprits.
I'm fairly certain B-Thal minor wouldn't be considered significant enough to qualify for disability here (BC, Canada), and even so, the amount wouldn't be enough to live on. So I have to keep working until my creative mind finds a better solution to this issue.
Blessings to all