Beta thal minor and low neutrophil

  • 4 Replies
Beta thal minor and low neutrophil
« on: June 09, 2011, 08:13:05 AM »
Thal minor with neutropeania
« Sent to: Andy on: Yesterday at 07:41:24 am »
Hi, I am a new member. I am 44 yr old female 48 kgs. I have had thal minor and have had ups and downs with my health. Months on end of feeling ill, food intolerances, low neutrophil, pain under left ribcage, tingling and numbness in left arm and leg, sharp pains in neck, head and chest, fatty liver. I have a good diet, do not drink, and do not eat fatty foods. At my worst I had low grade fever and looked grey and pale. I did not  have  enough energy to go for a five minute walk. This bad spell started after an influenza vaccination and lasted about 8 months. I improved with diet, supplements and a liver cleanse. I have been to numerous gps and specialists with no luck. My 10 yr old son has recently developed similar symptoms. Most worrying is a low neutrophil count of 0.9. He also has had chest pain, shooting pains in neck and head, heart palpitations and extreme tiredness. We have now found out he also has thal minor. Can you recommend a supplement for him? Do you know of other thal minors with neutropeania and what would cause this?
Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Regards Rina. 


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Beta thal minor and low neutrophil
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2011, 02:03:12 AM »
Hi Rina,

Can you tell me the hemoglobin levels of both you and your son, and do you have the results of any blood work, like a CBC (complete blood count). I don't really expect to see neutrophil problems with thal minor, so there may be something else involved, along with thal minor. You both exhibit problems of moderate anemia, where mild anemia would be more likely with thal minor. However, some thal minors do have quite low Hb levels and do experience more severe tiredness, etc. I need a little more info to properly advise.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Beta thal minor and low neutrophil
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2011, 07:58:08 AM »
Hi Andy, I don't have the results of our blood tests, but we have been told by hematologist that we are both on the low end of normal and that we are not anemic. They have performed many blood tests on us both; Ebstein Barr, CMV, liver function, vit d, b12, negative auto immune, thyroid function and complete blood count. The only thing they have picked up ( apart from his low neutrophil) is that we both have the thal trait. My son's neutrophil was initially 0.8 when tested. We had just been overseas and he had been eating a lot more sweets than normal and little veggies. I put him on  a multivitamin and acidophilus powder daily. Next time he was tested his count went up to 1.4 (3 months later). When we stopped the vits and acidophilus and he was retested the count dropped back down to 0.9 
Docs say that it could be viral, familial, or cyclic. Still no real answers. I know that when we cut down sugar he seems better and we wonder whether Candida could be involved too, but docs do not test this. I recently noticed that his vitamins had a small amount of iron, and with his chest pains I got worried, so I have stopped these and want to give him the appropriate supplement that is suitable for children and thal minor. Not sure whether you can recommend something or even what we should be looking for in a supplement and approx
 dosage for a 10 yr old.
Many thanks again.Rina


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Beta thal minor and low neutrophil
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2011, 07:31:21 PM »
Hi Rina,

There are many multivitamin products that do not contain iron. I don't know if it's available in your country, but Centrum Silver is one well known multi without iron. Some of the chewable "gummi" multis also contain no iron. Minimizing sugar and processed white flour in his diet would be advisable. I would also suggest 100-200 mg vitamin C daily for its positive effect on the immune system. My own experience with candida seemed to be a result of a bad thyroid. If there is any history of thyroid disorders in the family, it might be wise to investigate. I don't know if there is any relation, but thyroid issues among thal minors are commonly reported. It may just be coincidental, since thyroid problems are common. I would also definitely request a vitamin D test, as low D affects everything and does cause a lowered immune system. Correcting D levels can improve a whole realm of things in the human body, so it's advisable to check this level. If you do, I would like to see the number because doctors vary greatly on what in needed, mostly depending on how up they are on the current studies regarding D.

Encouraging a nutritious diet is important at this age, and I do realize just how frustrating that is for parents, as my own 16 year old son is impossible and refuses to eat nutritious foods, but we have to try. Anytime I hear about possible problems with sugar, I get concerned that may be a road leading to diabetes later in life, so efforts do need to be made to ensure proper nutrition. There is much nutritional advice on this site, including an entire board dedicated to the topic. Reading some of this information may give you some other ideas on how to proceed.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Beta thal minor and low neutrophil
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2011, 10:36:35 AM »
Thanks Andy,  I  will start him on a supplement and will  request copies of his blood test results at our  next doctor's visit. In the mean time I'll do my best with his diet.
Thanks Rina. 


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