Hi Sam,I was also Dignosed with Alph thalasemia Plus last year august my gp were telling me I should have any problems or and sickenss its just plus mean minor,they give me Fersamal tablets,which is iron and folic accid together and since then my health get worste,I then stop usin gthese tablets come back to it,but I was more sick from beggining and I stop taking them and since Im getting worste like your daughter having hedeache,stomach pain diarhead my blood test are done on monthly basis and when my test come some offthem,I always am told test be ready next week,but between then time my gp calling me to coming urgently,I think this thalasemia,any kind of thalasemia shouldchecked I believe people with even trait thalasemia having very bad sickness all their life,like on me they try at least since last year about 5 or 8 different antibiotics even when im ill my body is uneble to fight even im on antibiotics,its long time fight more then 3 months until i get well.I hope your daughter,gona get better soon,try and ask gp to do complete hb disesasess,its thalasemia,as well,maybe she got more then train like me i have already intermediate.I was diagnose with anemia about 15 years a go,then when I get to uk,I was kind of ok change the country near the sea and later on i start feeling sick again,and then I was told is just a train,then they say again is just they not sure if i have also beta thalasemia because my iron level they cant deside,and storiea then they say i to thalasemia plus and know is HB as well,I dont now,be carefull because im experiencing a lots of depresion too.Good luck.Have anice day,u can email me any time.