ello, my name is Budi, I am new to this site and I am from Indonesia. My adopted son is now 2 years, 2 months old, weighs 12.5 kg and he was adopted since he was 1 day old. At the age of 1 year old due to fever illness, he got his blood test and found that his hgb was 7.5 at the time of his illness. Suspecting a thal, a month later, he got his screening test, a completed blood test, and the result was his hgb was 8.6 and diagnosed b thal trait/minor as a lab test conclusion. During at the age of 1 year old and 2 years old, we consider him as b thal minor as the blood test's result so that we didn't give him specific treatment as thal patients, on the other hand we only gave him soman1, Indonesian herbal and sometimes multivit in addition to his daily intakes. But in this period, we still had feeling that he suffers from more than thal minor. During this period he looked pale but we didn't actually notice this because of his white/yellow skin (or is it jaundice?) and his lips, palm and sole were so whiter pale as well..2 days after his 2nd birthday, he got fever for 3 days and we brought him to the doctor and got blood test, his hgb was 6.8 and doctor suggested us to get transfusion of 2 bags RPC. After being transfused, he was so very different in daily activity, he was so active, unlike pre tx, and he looked so red in skin, lips, palm and sole..Now, while after 2 months from the date of tx, he remains just like the first day after tx and his palm and sole are still red color, but we haven't yet taken him to see the doc or gotten blood test. Now he has been daily taking folic acid and vit e as prescribed by the doc, and vit b complex, gamat jelly (cucumber sea extract) and oxygenated drinking water. A friend of mine saw this kind of water could bring his son tx period more longer, from 2 times a month previously to 3 times a year. Sorry for long story, my question is, I wonder, what type of thal does my son suffer from? As lab test said that he is thal minor but obviously in fact he needed transfusion later on. Really appreciate and thank you for your help and explanation.