Hello everyone,
I'm looking for information specifically on the labor/delivery experiences of b-thal minors on this site.
I have read every b-thal minor post on this forum related to pregnancy and they have been extremely enlightening and helpful. Like everyone else, I discovered that none of the ob/gyns I have visited (I have been to three different ones) really know anything about b-thal minor and certainly weren't aware of the elevated risks in pregnancy. My b-thal has always been well-managed and I have very few symptoms as long as I am eating well, taking my folic acid, and exercising on a consistent basis. I have known I was a b-thal minor since early childhood.
My hemoglobin was 11 at twelve weeks pregnant, and has dropped down to 9.2 at 28 weeks. After reading these posts, I don't think I am taking enough folic acid (I'm taking 800mcg in the natural "folate" form which apparently is less absorbable to the body) and will immediately start taking more. I already take 400 iu of natural vitamin E and have since the beginning. Actually the first three months I was taking 800 but then dropped down as one ob/gyn was concerned about "bleeding." I'm not sure if I should go back up to 800 iu or not: any thoughts on the proper dosage for vitamin e would be helpful.
I was really committed to a midwife-assisted home birth until my last reading just came through at 9.2, which was lower than I expected (because I feel great, really not especially anemic at all). I was really surprised by the low reading. The hospital is about 7 minutes away by car from my house should the need arise, and the midwives I have been working with are very conservative: meaning, if you are not progressing for any reason or they have concerns, they take you to the hospital speedily. I am interested in avoiding a lot of unnecessary medical interventions such as the IV, electronic fetal monitoring, not being able to eat or drink (this is especially important to me as a b-thal minor because I feel at my best when I eat small frequent meals, and cannot go long without food without feeling a bit weak), having to labor on my back, side effects of an epidural, etc. The extensive research I have done actually shows that a lot of these "normal" procedures actually can end up putting your baby at risk, or lead to other subtle effects later on. A homebirth is just a lot more "me" (I am one of those slightly crunchy types that avoids genetically-modified food and only eats organic beef, etc.)

But of course I won't do it if it is going to put my baby at risk, or if I think there is a higher than normal chance that I will need to be in an emergency hospital setting when I give birth due to my b-thalassemia.
Has anyone with b-thal minor attempted a homebirth or non-hospital birth? One of the primary risks to women in homebirth is hemorrhaging, and I know we are at higher risk actually for blood-clotting, so I wonder if there is any elevated risk of hemorrhaging during delivery for b-thal minors or not. Obviously I am not going to do anything that is going to harm my baby, but I am also interested in her longterm health and flourishing, which I do not think is best served by a lot of the unnecessary interventions that happen in hospital births in the U.S. (hepatitis B vaccine on the first day, Vitamin K shot, eye ointments, etc.), or the much-increased risk of C-section when women are not allowed to labor naturally and have such things as their membranes prematurely ruptured by the doctor, etc. So at this point I am pretty conflicted about what to do. A birthing center attached to a hospital would be the best bet, but that is not available where I live.
Any discussion on natural childbirths (no epidurals) that b-thal minor mothers have had, or their labor/delivery experiences in general would be VERY appreciated. Did you require transfusions in the hospital, special monitoring of the baby, did you hemorrhage more than usual, did you have any other complications during delivery related to your b-thal, etc.? So far my baby is growing well and ultrasounds show on-target growth for her due date in October.
Very much appreciate the forum and the wealth of knowledge and experiences available here.