My Story.... Living with Thala Minor!

  • 1 Replies
My Story.... Living with Thala Minor!
« on: March 17, 2011, 10:06:32 PM »
My name is Sonia, I am new to these discussion but I'm very glad I found them! I have Thalassemia minor I found out I had Thala Minor when I got my 1st born childs blood work done at the age of one years old... The doctor didn't make a big deal about it and added that it was just a trait and that I had no need to worry about it that the only thing that would be noticed was low levels of blood, and that not even Milti Vit. or Iron pills would help so to not worry, I trusted this doctor very much and never thought it was a big deal to have Thala... let me add that I had the worst pregnacy a woman could ever have, I was always weak, had sever "Anemia" my doctor said. I always felt sick: Headaches, cramps, weak, sleepy, cold, I was always pale, and vomited daily up to the date of my childs birth. thought out the whole process my doctors thought I was just severely Anemic, not once was I told I had or might have Thala Minor. On my daughter labor and delivery I had a long and painful labor when my child came out everything appeared fine, But I grow weak with in 5. I kept informing husband about me feeling extremely cold, all they did was keep giving me warm blankets, I told them I felt way to much blood on my bed to check me they did and told me everything was normal... I became to weak to even get up on my own to the restroom so they helped me and when they got me out of bed blood poured on to the floor and I lost consciousness, husband told me the put me back in bed and called Dr. I was in and out and remember everything like as if it was a bad dream.... By the time dr came and stopped the blood flow I dont know how... till this day I know God had to have been there with me! they ran test and came back with the results that my blood level was at 4 and that I would have to stay in the hospital till they got me to a level of 7 at least to be let out.

I wonder till this day if it was my Thala Minor that caused all what happen that day or if it was doctors malpractice, I woulder if they would have found out I had Thala before the labor if all this would have happen?

Re: My Story.... Living with Thala Minor!
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2011, 04:06:28 PM »
Hello I read your story an.d I am glad  to hear. You and you children are doing fine .regarding your labour I have no medical back ground but I do have thalassemia Major . My mother had three chidden and also of corse has Thal minor .Her pregnancies went well . As for my aunty. Who also has Thal minor  had experienced Weeknees tiredness .My cousin on the other hand who also has Thal minor had one of her  labors. Go somewhat to what you had described . Because Drs  knew of her situituation being thalminor and all they were prepared for the woresed . They did how ever think of giving her a transfusion  but then remembered she was Thal minor .I think because your doing ok now that just loesing all that blood and being a carrier of Thal .that's what caused you to blackout .
Please make sure that your Children know that they could be carriers of the trait .

God Bless priesedent of the thalassemia  Support Group pf Winnipeg .


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