Please help me

  • 2 Replies
Please help me
« on: July 20, 2011, 06:14:11 AM »
Sorry if this is in the wrong thread by the way.

Okay so, I'm 18.
When I was 15 I was told I had "small blood cells" that had something to do with me being Greek. I didn't really understand it.
Anyway, in the last two years things have gotten really bad.
I'm always dizzy and tired, no matter what I do.
I always hurt and my blood is a bright orange colour.

I'm pretty sure I have Thalassemia minor, because its never really been much worse than normal anemia.
I don't really understand why it affects me so much though. My dad has it, and he just gets dizzy sometimes and sleepy, nothing too bad.
My sister doesn't seem to be affect at all.
But with me, I can't even get out of bed sometimes because I'm so dizzy I actually fall over when I attempt to walk. I'll sleep for hours and I'm always tired.
It comes and goes, sometimes its super bad and sometimes I'm fine.

ANYWAY I'm just wondering if taking something will help me. I tried taking iron once, and it made me really sick. I eat fairly healthy, but I guess I could improve my diet.
I wanted to try taking B-12 because it could at least help me stay awake if nothing else.
My sister takes it and she said it helps, but she never really had problems to begin with so...

D: Sorry about the novel I just wrote and how unorganized and hard to read it is.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Please help me
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2011, 11:38:08 PM »
Hi Kausa,

Thalassemia is also known as Mediterranean anemia, because that is one area of the world where thal is prevalent. There are actually several hundred million people on earth with thal minor. As you get older, thal minor can begin to show some symptoms, as you are now learning. Many people have few if any symptoms but others have a range of problems, including what you have mentioned. We have a thread that goes into the symptoms at,2769.msg26748.html#msg26748  I would suggest checking it out.

There has been very little research into the problems associated with thal minor, but at thalpal we have heard from so many minors with symptoms, that we do try to help people find what works for them. Something that you should understand that is thalassemia tends to deplete certain vitamin and minerals in the body. Replacing these can help, but your hemoglobin level will always be lower than normal, so you can hope to help yourself but you will probably always have problems with things like tiredness, fatigue and shortness of breath. Adequate rest, including naps when necessary and a good diet is very important. Fresh fruit and vegetables are essential. Highly processed foods should be avoided. When you think about foods, try thinking about its nutritional value and let that guide what you choose to eat. I have made a list of my own recommendations for thalassemia concerning the use of supplements. I would suggest asking your doctor to do a vitamin D test. It is a simple blood test. Make sure you get the actual number from the test, because many doctors are lagging on where the level should be. It needs to be over 35, and a minimum of 50 should be your eventual goal. It does take some time to correct deficiency, and I would be glad to help you with this, as I have been working on my own level for several years. Deficiency is a main cause of tiredness, weak immune systems and depression. Over half the people tested are deficient and deficiency definitely aggravates the symptoms of thal. My list of recommendations is below. Most of these are essentials for building red blood cells.

We have a wealth of information at this site. Take advantage of this to help yourself, and don't forget this site is here when you need questions answered.

My vitamin daily recommendations

Thal minor

B-Complex 100   One daily

Vitamin C    200-500 mg daily.
* If your iron level is high, take the lower amount of C
If you bruise easily, take some vitamin C.

Vitamin D   1000-5000 IU daily. Deficiency may require
doses as high as 50,000 IU per week.
*The best thing to do is get your D level checked. Odds
are that 1/2 to 2/3 of people reading this are deficient in
vitamin D. Your level should be minimum 35. Optimum
level is  50-70.  The importance of vitamin D should not
be ignored. D is necessary for the absorption of dozens
of nutrients, including essential minerals.

Vitamin E Natural Complex -Mixed Tocopherols preferred
400-800 IU daily
*Synthetic vitamin E should be avoided. Do NOT take
more than 100 IU daily of synthetic E.
Look for d-alpha tocopherol. Avoid dl-alpha.

Folic acid   1000-5000 mcg daily (1-5 mg)

Magnesium     250-500 mg daily

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Please help me
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2011, 07:54:39 PM »
:3 Thank you SO MUCH!
This is very helpful info, thanks so much for the help!!


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