Education and Jobs

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Offline namitha

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2006, 11:26:19 AM »
Hi Bostonian,

Many many thanx for the info. I am waiting for a confirmation from Shikha Aunty and I will go ahead and tackle the nasties. Oh I am not going to keep quiet about this for sure! I am counting on all of you to support me. This is a very bad precedence and they should not be allowed to get away.

Thanks for the support.


Martin Luther King: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"

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no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2006, 06:41:42 PM »
Total support from me................Plz let me know how can I help....

Puneet Dhiman


Offline Eponine

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2006, 02:30:44 PM »
I've been very fortunate so far. I have not been discriminated against in terms of job opporunities. When I got accepted into this government job, I told the doctor that I am a thal maj. He was very surprised. He asked if I was sure  :crazy (duh'! As is i didn't know if I was a thal maj or not...) That was 4 and a half years ago.
I heard of other thal maj who declared their condition and were rejected other jobs and even from the very same job that I had applied for, probably their physical features were more obvious or I had a better doc. 
However. even though i was not discriminated from a job, I was discriminated in the job. My boss was good with it. When I told him about my condition (company's organisation is HUGE) he was very supportive and told me to take the time I need. It was the organistation's policy that discriminated.
I was made to sign a form that stated that if I were to take sick leave, I would have to produce a medical certificate which stated that the reason for my sick leave is NOT related to thal. If not, it would be treated as a NO PAY leave. In other words, no pay for those days I took sick leave for.
I'm not sure if you guys know, but here we are not a welfare state and therefore do not get free medical treatment. I have to pay for my transfusions, medications and whatever other many tests that I have to do. So if I DO take sick leave for my transfusions which is not often anyway, I will not get paid that day plus, I have to pay for my treatment.
I feel discriminated, but should I keep quiet about this since I should be grateful that I got this job despite me being thal maj?



Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #18 on: November 19, 2006, 10:43:00 PM »
Hi Eponie.
You got the job because you were better qualified for it.
Don't devalue yourself.Being a thal major is a condition you inherited.It is not who you are .Very politely, you need to write a letter to your boss and voice your concern and the way you feel you are discriminated against.
I gather that you are a good worker and they wouldn't want to loose you ,hopefull you will get some undestanding.It never hurt to try ,if you dont you will never know.
Good luck  and believe in your potentials.


Offline Eponine

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2006, 04:05:13 PM »
Thanks Kathy
Will try to see what I can do. It's tough because this is the government I'm up against.



Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2006, 10:49:47 PM »
hi Eponie.
Dont be frightened  of the establisment. you stand a better chance ,that is because they are suppose to set good example in society .they have the duty to show that they are fair and they don't discriminate,
while you questioning your right you will be also making it fairer and probably easier on other thal working in the department.Remember we are all part of goverment  in our society.
they would not have kept you for  four and a half years if you were not productive for the dept.
It could be a win win situation for all,
you are not powerless to make change .
Good luck


Offline alnahrahmea

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2007, 06:16:07 AM »
Hi all,

This is a pretty important issue in all thals' lives. I have been hearing from patients who come to my trans center that they face discrimination when it comes to jobs. Even well known companies in the IT and Software industry covertly discriminate. This is unconstitutional but it still goes on. No one can point fingers directly because everything is so covert. Even companies that make a show of being equal opportunity employers back out when it comes to hiring thals. THIS IS NOT FAIR! It looks like there is more merit in being able bodied than having a good brain.

All you thals out there, please share your experiences in this issue, if any. Thals in India, I am going to take up this case very seriously and am even willing to fight it out in courts. I need concrete evidence so please share your experience along with facts about the discriminating employer.

Please join me in my fight against injustice.


Actually you are not alone in that experience.

I am a young college instuctor and a masteral student in one of the Top 3 Universities in the Philippines when I was discovered with Thalassemia.  I was able to manage my teaching and studies with my condition in the 1st three years of my treatment since I'm okay except for the blood transfusions which I schedule on weekends. Then last year they started giving me heavier load and I started my graduate thesis that my condition began to take a toll on my health.   Because of that I was advised to file an indefinite leave without benefits or else I am going to be given a forced resignation because of my sickness.  I opted for the indefinite leave.  I just felt bad though that I was not given better options.

All I can say they are too ignorant of my condition.  I can't blame the institution as though since Thalassemia is like a foreign language in the Philippines.
Lei  :heartpink

Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2007, 09:41:48 PM »
Hi Namitha,

I have not been up to date with reading all the posts, and just came across this discussion regarding discrimination. Yes, the company was P&O Nedlloyds (Maersk now I believe), and this happened in 1999. I was recruited after 3 rounds of interviews when I completed my MBA in Pune. One other girl was selected with me, and she still works for them.

I really appreciate you wanting to take this up with them, and I am here to support you and provide any information you need.

Take care,
« Last Edit: July 15, 2007, 05:04:35 AM by Andy »

Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #23 on: May 16, 2011, 03:16:21 PM »
I m a 22 yr old software engineer suffering from thal.I have got recently placed in a MNC. I had discussions with my cousin who is also in a MNC and I asked him whether I should disclose my disease to the company HR. My cousin said not to tell any body. I am facing problems how can I manage things out in a new city where I will be getting posting. The software companies do not help understand things. They just think about their profits. They did a medical test of me too and then they did not disclosed the results of medical test till now although I am about to receive my joining.

I want to tell that no body could trace a thalasemia person by blood test if you have started dont be affraid. second thing is if you are going to give a medical test just take precaution that you should maintain HB to normal level about 12-13 units. Just after transfussion make sure that your hb has been maintained to that of a normal person. Again dont tell the doctor or HR that you are suffering from thal. No body wiants to lose his job either he is thal or a normal person.

Please also make sure that your spleen is perfect before medical test coz doc may know that u r thal from your spleen. Also make sure that if you are taking kelfer capsules like me then it tends my urine to become reddue to access iron in urine. Please make sure that before medical test you should not take kelfer or iron chelator from two days so that their is no red urine coz in my case the MNC also tested my urine. and my urine was red then I did submitted that urine and called my father and told him that urine is red. My father told me to drink some water again go to washroom and take another urine sample. I was quite lucky to have a father like him who had supported me and guided me in every aspect of my life. I did the same thing and then submitted the new urine sample.Fortunately that tym the urine was not so red but it was yellowish. But I was relieved. Take many precautions while going on to give any medical test. Software companies take very much work and if u r going to go for work with a s/w firm think 100 tyms before that coz may be you cant bear that much work well it depends frm person to person.

I wish all thals best of luck. Do not take stress. Have faith in god and enjoy life.

Take care
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 03:59:03 PM by ajay »


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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #24 on: May 16, 2011, 05:01:59 PM »
Hi Ajay,

Everything depends on the situation you are in,its your right to decide what you disclose and what you don't .

Good luck with the job :goodluck .



Offline Waleed

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #25 on: May 22, 2011, 06:37:02 PM »
Hello there,

I am MBA finance and now a Certified Financial Consultant in a Saudi based MNC. Its been around 9 months of my job and I havent told aybody in the company about the disease. My boss just bears with me when I ask to take 3-4 hours break once a month (on the Dr.'s appointment day) ... This is because I do hell lot of work and try to put my best in the workplace.

The bottom line statement I am trying to teach my self is "Make yourself such a competitive person , that far outweighs all of your weaknesses."

 Whether its coming late to office, attendance, or what ever. Just be the most knowledgeable and competitive person so that people around you dont get a chance to say anything.

Thats why I am studying more and more and trying to obtain more professional qualifications.

Hope this helps.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #26 on: May 22, 2011, 06:58:21 PM »

As long as I have known you, your attitude has been great. You are absolutely right. If you make yourself an asset to your employer, the employer will usually recognize this and excuse the personal time you need to attend to your health. And, I speak as an employer on this topic.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Zaini

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #27 on: May 23, 2011, 03:22:34 AM »
Way to go Waleed  :clapcheergirl :clapcheergirl

It was nice seeing you posting.



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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #28 on: May 28, 2011, 03:45:02 AM »

We are so proud of you.  I am glad that you have such a terrific attitude.  I know of a diabetic who assumes the same attitude and he has done extremely well. 

Continued best wishes for success and good health to you,



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