Education and Jobs

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Offline namitha

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Education and Jobs
« on: September 17, 2006, 11:55:32 AM »
Hi all,

This is a pretty important issue in all thals' lives. I have been hearing from patients who come to my trans center that they face discrimination when it comes to jobs. Even well known companies in the IT and Software industry covertly discriminate. This is unconstitutional but it still goes on. No one can point fingers directly because everything is so covert. Even companies that make a show of being equal opportunity employers back out when it comes to hiring thals. THIS IS NOT FAIR! It looks like there is more merit in being able bodied than having a good brain.

All you thals out there, please share your experiences in this issue, if any. Thals in India, I am going to take up this case very seriously and am even willing to fight it out in courts. I need concrete evidence so please share your experience along with facts about the discriminating employer.

Please join me in my fight against injustice.

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Offline olivia

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2006, 01:30:56 PM »
Hi Namitha,
I've had the same experience too when I just grad. I was offered a very good job in a public listed company here (I got head hunted!) After going tru the rounds of interview with the HR manager and GM, finally I got my appointment letter the next day. And I did sign the appointment letter and return it back to them (they wanted me to start work urgently) even without me going tru the medical check up first.

I was sooo happy and excited abt securing the job that I've totally forget abt me being a thal until the day for me to go for my medical check up. I'm quite hesitant to tell the doc abt my thal. Besides they cant tell cos I dont have thal features. But considering my monthly transfusion is gonna raise some questions and suspicion so I decided to come clean on my medical bill. I told the doc up front that I am thal major. He was surprised cos I dont look like one.

The next day, I got a call fr the HR manager telling me that they cant employ me even I've signed the appointment letter. Apparently the doc told them I required monthly transfusion and am on medications and that when my hb is low, it can effect my works, etc etc etc ... I felt like the whole world came tumbling down at that moment. Tiny drops of tear came rolling down. Indeed it was very unfair and discriminating for them to do so. But couldnt do much too even after I've told them I'll pay my own medical expenses and they can refer to my doc for my medical history.
At that time, I was working with a small consultant firm. The boss doesnt mind my situation so long I get the job done on time and dont give him much troubles. Eventually I got frust with the job and wanted to try something new, challenging and different. Again I found myself a job in a MNC company doing sales (something I've never done before and very challenging too cos it's of totally different nature of biz) The previous nightmare came back to haunt me.

I guess I learn fr my previous mistake. This time round I did not tell the doctor that I've got thal major (very bad of me indeed!) But my immediate boss knows abt it and he doesnt mind (my cousin who works there recommended me in and he's told my immediate boss before hand abt me being thal major) He's fine with my health condition. I dont look sickly nor do I have any thal features. So long I get my job done, he doesnt mind even if I'm not in the office. I got the job and I've been with them for the 3 1/2 years before finally joining my dad's firm.

I'm lucky to have lied my way tru but there are still a lot of discrimination going on out there. I strongly agreed that something have to be done against these discrimination.

Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2006, 11:12:49 PM »
I think it is a sad affair of business. As a matter of fact some countries are still living in the past and they do not realize it is 21st century and things have changed. I know in Canada and I believe in US as well there is no pre-condition of medical check up. The policy of hiring as per constitution states equal employment regardless of race, colour, sexual orientation, religion, age or ethnicity. Employers are not allowed to ask about any of these issues with employees and they have no business knowing the medical condition of a potential employee.



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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2006, 09:38:52 AM »
 :mad things like these (discriminating Thals for employment and marriage) really make my blood (what's left of it) boil.
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Offline Smurfette

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2006, 10:45:58 AM »
Hello to all,

Well I have been reading the posts here and I am really confused as to how some coutries run!!!!

I agree with the Canadian_Family that some countries do live in the past...

I have been working for the past 20 yrs not at the same companies, but various  places..All my employees knew about me having Thal Maj and I said to them that I would need a day off a month for my monthly transfusions...They didnt hesitate...We worked around it...

I have had only one employer who didnt do the right thing by me...But she got what was coming to her...

I am currently employed in the job I love doing!!! I am a Dispensary Technician!!! I have been there nearly 3yrs and they work around me..Not me work around them..

They are really understanding and I work with the best people I could have asked for...

So guys and girls dont despair...There are people who have a heart and will give you guys a go...As long as it doesnt interfere with your work...I dont have to prove myself to anyone... I love what I do and it shows...

Hope this helps..



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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2006, 06:51:07 PM »
There are few countries that protect workers when it comes to discrimination about medical conditions. The sad fact is that even in some countries with laws that are supposed to keep this from happening, employers still refuse to hire or even will fire employees when they find out about a condition. Shikha has told us about the struggles her daughter had finding work, even though well qualified, and my late friend Gurleen, had the same experience in India. In spite of extremely good educational credentials and being very qualified for employment, no one would hire her because she was a thal. It was obvious from her short stature that she was "different" and that was all it took to keep employers from hiring her. Eponine has told us about being denied entry into a country where she was accepted at a university. This country was a well developed country that many consider to be very progressive in health care, yet she was not allowed to go there to continue her education. Another member of our group has been fighting extradition from New Zealand because he did not reveal his son's thal when they emigrated there. This young boy's baby sister was named Lisa after our dear founder. She did so much to help this family and I am proud that some members of this group have also worked hard to help them in their current fight.

We may feel that health care is a basic human right, but getting governments to recognize this will be one of the major tasks of this century. At times it may seem hopeless, but are we going to have faith in humanity or just give up? In my own country, will it mean a shift from funding the eternal chase after the latest "threat" that consumes so many hundreds of billions of dollars annually or will the staus quo be maintained? The US military budget is higher than the combined military budgets of the entire rest of the world. Why is it that the world is no safer then? My conclusion is that it isn't the military that makes us safe. Education, adequate employment, food, housing and medical care would go much farther in making the world a safe place than anti-missile shields and military adventurism. We can accept this status quo or we can work to change it on every level.

As so many of our thal friends say, "don't give up."

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline namitha

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2006, 06:24:05 AM »
Hi all,

Hats off to all the fighters who not only have to fight thal but also the society at large. It's a shame that even MNCs and so called equal opportunity employers have a problem with thal. It takes a lot drive it into their thick skulls that what is inside the brain matters.I empathise with those of you who have faced discrimination because of thal.

I want to do something about this issue and am thinking of writing a petition to certain bodies of the UN that are into human rights. This is a basic human rights issue. The right to work!

I am formulating a petition and will circulate the document on this forum, members please do include your name. Every name is an additional support. All those of you who have faced discrimination, please include the names of the companies so that others don't fall into the same trap and so that we can take it up with them sometime.

Here are some links to the bodies to which I will send in the petition:

I need your support members. Do tell me if you think this is a good idea. Your voice is my support.


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Offline T @ r ! Q

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2006, 04:44:47 PM »
Hi everyone,

I recently join this gr8 forum for thalassmia, and platform like this has made things a lot easier for thalassemics from around the globe.
Regarding the topic, I graduated in computer science in 2003. I was lucky to get a job after two months of my graduation, even if it was not kind of a job i was looking for. Since the organization was small there weren't any complicated HR processes that could have caused trouble for me.
Then i decided to move on and started looking for an opportunity in software industry. Finally my search was over and i got a chance to join a newly established US-based software solutions provider in karachi. I joined there as Software Engineer. Its been two years now, i have got a lot of expereince and learned a lot, now i am in a position that i can compete with others in my field and choose a company of my choice. Thanks to Almighty God, due to full co-operation from company, i didn't face a single issue regarding my transfusion leaves, medical benefits etc.
Well thats my side of the story,

« Last Edit: October 16, 2006, 04:51:19 PM by tariqkhanani »
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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2006, 04:55:12 PM »
Hello Tairq,

Good to see you here.

I'm glad to know that people are now understanding us Thals. better in Pakistan. It is a great milestone in itself and you are a part of it. I'm really happy to see your success.

Keep it up!

Take care, Peace!
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Offline T @ r ! Q

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2006, 05:02:40 PM »
Thanks Sajid,

But i am looking forward to hear ur story in this regard, do u faced any kinda problems?

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2006, 06:10:07 AM »
Hi Tariq,

First of all I would like to greet you with a belated welcome to the group :grin

As far as my experiences go, you can read about them at different places on this site.

However, regarding this topic, I have suffered mostly due to my physique; which of course is the result of Thal. and some other bad family (youth) genes. :wink Thus indirectly I can blame Thal. for it.

You see, I wasn't able to get "The better" education due to my frail physique as the reputable colleges and universities are quite away from my home and I was restricted to join the closer, not-so-good institutions because you know how our Pakistani buses are; you have to jump on and off them while they are running (a feat that I can't risk to take) and sitting on the top of the roof. No I'm not talking about the double-decked buses' upper cabin, I am talking about the "REAL" roof, outside the bus (Yep, this happens all the time here in Pak.)

Anyway, although I scored good in the university, which is the lamest university of the country (AKU), I was denied a job for no reason. The usual "Don't call us, we'll call you" which never came till today.

So, that's about it.

Tariq, please share your intro in the "Spotlight" sub-forum and also share your stories and experiences with us.

Take care, Peace!
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Offline namitha

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2006, 12:58:24 PM »
Hi Tariq and Sajid,

Thanks for sharing your valuable experiences. It helps to know. Sajid, dont give up and you will find the job you are looking for. Tariq, congrats on your success. Most MNCs and big name companies are equal opportunity employers, but sometimes individual biases and prejudices come in the way. However, honesty is the best policy and it is better to come clean. That's my way and it's worked. Not only that, I get a lot of appreciation for what I do because people feel that despite the health issues, I am doing so well  :biggrin. Mine is only one side of the story, to every positive story there are a hundred negative stories. I am going to speak for them and do something about it. No organization should be allowed to get away if they been discriminating. I was shocked to read Shikha Aunty's post regarding her daughter's experience. A company like Nedlloyds! SHAME! I don't think we should leave them. They should be hauled up and questioned for going against the Indian constitution that guarantees equal right to all. I found their website. It is a Dutch company. If I could get their postal address it would help me.

Is this is the stinking organization?

« Last Edit: July 15, 2007, 05:19:14 AM by Andy »
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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2006, 05:38:00 PM »
Yes Namitha ur right. Companies like these deserve punishment, I wonder if someone is allowed to take legal action against company in this scenario.

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Offline namitha

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2006, 09:05:37 AM »
Hi Tariq,

The Constitution of India guarantees equality to all irrespective of any factor. So I think that we can haul up such stinking  :mad companies to the court. What they are doing is unconstitutional.

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Re: Education and Jobs
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2006, 01:59:37 PM »
I was shocked to read Shikha Aunty's post regarding her daughters experience. A company like Nedlloyds! SHAME! I don't think we should leave them. They should be hauled up and questioned for going against the Indian constitution that guarantees equal right to all. I found their website. It is a Dutch company. If I could get their postal address it would help me.

Is this is the stinking organization?


Hi Namitha,

I believe it must be P&O Ned-Lloyd (now Maersk Line). It is a shipping line. Shikha Aunty/her daughter can correct me if I am wrong.

Their Indian website is:

And their contact details are:

Maersk India Pvt Limited
CG House
11th Floor
Dr. Annie Besant Road
Prabhadevi, Mumbai - 4000025

Phone: +91-22-24337878
Fax: +91-22-24337898

They have offices all over India, one even down in your neck of the woods.

Maersk India Pvt. Ltd.
'The Atlantis Centre'
2007/2, 2nd Floor,
100 Feet Road, HAL 2nd Stage,
Bangalore - 560008

Phone: +91-80-25216001 

- Bostonian
« Last Edit: July 15, 2007, 05:20:20 AM by Andy »
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ? - Plato


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