Thanks for your answers. Couple of more questions, my baby is 7 months old. When should i get her dna checked? Also, will she have any health problems being a thal minor.
In your previous post you mentioned I should be taking folic acid, i have however not taken folic acid tabs until i planned to have a baby. My hb has being around 12 at times 11.5 but not lower then that, I have somehow always been iron i m on and off on iron tabs. So is folic acid essential now? Also,if my baby also has a triat we need to put her on folic acid ? Will she have any kind of health issues...She is fine right now...has met all the milestones on time. How do i know if there is any prob?
I saw the picture, it gives me a better understanding of my situation. My finding of being a minor was just an accident...I think my brother is also a minor, he has the same kind of cbc reports...i have checked my mothers reports, looks like she is a carrier. We never knew we had this prob in the family. I wonder how many people around us have this prob but are unware of it.