Hemoglobin or Gas :)???

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Offline Christine Mary

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Hemoglobin or Gas :)???
« on: September 20, 2006, 01:56:24 PM »
hi everyone!
i have a question please. Lauryn has been kinda fussy all night, not sleeping all that well. Shes very cranky. instead of being fatigued, she has been AWAKE. she is eating, but seems "frustrated" while doing so. she is producing wet/soliled diapers and her color looks perfectly pink. do you think it can be her hbg dropping, or can it just be a newborn baby thing (gas) :smile2


Lauryn's Mom


Offline Christine Mary

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Re: Hemoglobin or Gas :)???
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2006, 04:13:43 PM »
its so frustrating... i dunno if its a newborn thing or her thal. she had a temp of 99.1 last night and her perd. said that is not a fever,but if it gets to 100.4 then rush her in...does having a temp have anything to do with thal?

Lauryn's Mom


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Hemoglobin or Gas :)???
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2006, 09:33:21 PM »
Thal babies can be very susceptible to infection the first few months so fevers need to be paid attention to. The doctor has given you a temperature to watch for. Low grade fevers are common but if it gets above this, you should get her in and have it checked. This is a precaution and doesn't mean anything serious is wrong, but it is often easier to control an infection if it is attended to promptly, and with thals, infections can get out of hand if not attended to, so the doctor has given you this instruction.

The fussiness that Lauryn is showing is common in babies, especially when they have switched to formula. If it persists, you may need to try a different formula, and of course, the formula should always be iron free.

Chrissy, I would just like to say how good it is to see how much strength you've found since first learning your child might be thal. I know that initially it was a great shock and it is so much to deal with, but I think you've shown that you're gonna be a great mom.  :happyyes   

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline sahil

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Re: Hemoglobin or Gas :)???
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2006, 09:43:31 PM »
I was detected as Thal major when i was 11 months. Mom says i used to get high fevers and i used to turn yellow....this happened a few times then my parents were asked to do the thal test and i was Thal major where as my mom and dad were detected as thal minors..
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 02:50:43 PM by sahil3101 »
My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.



Re: Hemoglobin or Gas :)???
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2006, 10:38:07 PM »
Hi chrissy .
I would suggest that,
for a while it might be a good thing to check Lauryn's temperature twice a day .that is because a high temperature in a baby can cause some irreversable problem.
I second to what Andy have to say you are doing the best you can and it is evident in your continuity of lauryn care and update.We are so proud of you and your hubby :flowers
A warm  :hug for little lauryn.
regards Kathy


Offline Nur

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Re: Hemoglobin or Gas :)???
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2006, 03:40:28 AM »

Shes very cranky. instead of being fatigued, she has been AWAKE. she is eating, but seems "frustrated" while doing so.


Well....I am not a baby  :blush  but whenever my HB is low that's what i am all about. No matter how tired i am, I couldn't sleep during the night. I maybe lucky if i am able to catch a few hours of sleep but that sleep is interrupted by waking up every now and then for no apparent reason and during daytime, i feel tired because of not enough sleep!

When it comes to eating, i am constantly hungry but i can not eat much. I get tired in the middle of eating and the food just felt 'strange'. Even if it is my fav food. So...maybe Lauryn is expiriencing some of what i felt.  :idunno I felt sorry for her but it will all be ok if you keep her HB at an appopriate level. All the best to you.

 :heartred  :blowkiss :heartpink


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