FYI, I found the swelling in my legs would get worse when I traveled--it seemed more related to the change in weather and probably barometric pressure (I live in high altitude and going to sea level caused my ankles to get HUGE). I've taken diuretics to ease the swelling and that helps, along with elevating my legs at night and sometimes wearing compression stockings. (Diuretics can lower blood pressure so be careful. I, along with others i've read about here tend to have low blood pressure already and diuretics can make it worse)
On a more humerous note, I did find out i actually have skinny ankles

. I have always had "fat" ankles, even as a child. As a teenager, I exercised my ankles regularly to try to get them smaller. Nothing worked until I had the first vein stripping. Back then, they had me keep my legs wrapped tightly in ace wraps for six weeks.
When the bandages came off, I had skinny ankles! All that exercise wasted!!! All I needed was new veins!!!!!

Unfortunately I only had skinny ankles for about six weeks and then they swelled up again

Oh well, at least I know i don't need to keep exercising