Thal Minor and Pregancy (long post)

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Offline chargrgirl

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Thal Minor and Pregancy (long post)
« on: September 19, 2006, 01:42:34 AM »

My name is Mel and I have just found this site yesterday. I am currently 31 weeks pregnant with my first baby. It was only brought to my attention last week that I probably have Thalessemia. My haemoglobin levels were down at 88 when I had some blood tests done at 28 weeks. I didn't have a full iron studies test at that stage. My Ob phoned and told me that I needed to up my FGF tablets to 2 a day to try and boost my levels up. After 4 days of taking 2 tablets a day, I started feeling really ill and lightheaded. I went to another doctor who prescribed iron injections because she fiigured that the iron tablets weren't going to make any difference as my levels had gone from being normal before pregnancy to being that low while I was taking iron supplements.

After I had 3 iron injections I went for my 30 Ob appointment with the midwife. As soon as she saw my test results she asked me about my background and asked if anyone in my family has Thalessemia. As far as I know no-one does or if they do it hasn't caused them any problems. When she said that I remembered being told about 11 years ago that my red blood cells were small and it was a genetic disorder, but I was never told that it was anything to worry about therefore, I had forgotten all about it. Now I am waiting on test results to confirm that this is the case. I have since spoken to my Mum and she remembers us being told about the small red blood cells but also doesn't remember being told of any risks down the track.

So I am positive that I have it but obviously only in a minor case because it hasn't caused me any problems until now that I'm pregnant. We are pretty sure that my husband doesn't have the trait but he is getting tested just in case, so I have been told that it will cause no problems for our unborn baby. However my local hospital is saying that if my results come back positive they won't let me have the baby there.

Now I guess my question is, would the main reason be because of a higher risk of excessive bleeding and how much of a risk is it? That is the only reason I can think of. Obviously when I see my Ob again I will ask them but I was hoping that someone here would be able to give some info. There doesn't seem to be alot of info about Thal minor around I haven't really been able to find anything about risks unless both parents are carriers. Also would a caesarean section be the safest way to go? I am just a bit confused at the moment and with only 9 weeks left it has thrown a bit of a spanner in the works.

Thankyou to anyone who managed to read through all of this. I know it's a bit long-winded. Also thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

Cheers Mel


Offline youlla

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Re: Thal Minor and Pregancy (long post)
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2006, 08:09:55 AM »
Hello Mel,

Nice to hear from you. I just wanted to let you know that many women with thal minor have had wonderful healthy children. As a matter of fact many thal major women have too - as I am sure you will find if you browse through previous posts and get to know us all.
From personal experience, I can tell you that I have minor and have 3 healthy children and the same goes for my sister.
I was very surprised (and a bit cranky) to hear that your local hospital tells you that you cannot have your children there if your tests prove positive.
My sister and I have never been turned away from hospitals in Sydney. Between the two of us we had our children in four different hospitals.
Are you in a remote area where maybe they think they cannot deal with any problems that might arise? What will you do if they say you cannot have your baby there? do you have an alternative hospital?
I hope all goes well for you. I just wanted to let you know that it is not so uncommon for thals to have children who will be healthy and well.

Best of luck,


Offline SalD

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Re: Thal Minor and Pregancy (long post)
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2006, 10:19:52 PM »

Hello Mel!

Sorry to hear about the confusion you have been thrust into with this information.  Perhaps you could get your doctor to speak to one of the doctors that treats thalassaemia.  I believe you are in WA?...I looked on a map!  The contact details for the societies and the treating centres around Australia are listed in the "Miscellaneous Forums" section.  The link to the treating centres is Treating Centres.

Good luck!



Offline chargrgirl

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Re: Thal Minor and Pregnancy (long post)
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2006, 01:58:03 AM »
Thankyou Yoola and SalD for your replies.

Yes I do live in a remote area and that would probably be why they are uncertain about me birthing up here. It is annoying though and somewhat scary that the doctors have so little confidence in themselves that they would send me away because of something that as far as I can tell is quite common. From the information that I have read it appears that the risks of something going wrong is very low. Don't get me wrong, I want the best care possible but I feel that they are making me worry over something that is really quite trivial in the scheme of things. :rolleyes

When I have read some of the stories on here I have been saddened to hear what some Thal sufferers deal with and go through in day to day life. I had no idea what Thalessemia was until a week ago and I am surprised that due to it's commoninity we don't hear more about it.

Thanks Mel

Re: Thal Minor and Pregancy (long post)
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2006, 03:34:39 AM »
Hi Mel,

I am 22 weeks pregnant with my second baby.....Strangely in my case i didnt get to know that i have this trait and delivered my first baby ceasarian...very healthy about 4.5 kg(over 10 pounds). During that time my Hb level was low and doc treated me with injections which worked probably because my ferritin was low.
I was quite shocked when i got to know now during 20 th week that I have Thal Trait and am off all iron supplements...I would suggest you to go to a hospital which is quite well equipped and in case they may have to tranfuse blood, you may feel confident. Since your hospital people has already asked you that it wont be possible there I think you wont be able to count on them now.
Good luck you will be 100% safe and so will be the new one.
Do let us know after your delivery your experiences.....(if you can manage soem time.
All the Best!


Offline drievermom

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Re: Thal Minor and Pregancy (long post)
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2006, 11:13:51 PM »
Hi Mel,  about 7 months into my first pregnancy my OB/GYN did a blood test and found low hemoglobin levels (about 6-7 at that stage).  I knew going in that I had thal trait, but I didn't know it would have such an effect on me during pregnancy (and obviously neither did my doctor, because she initially sent me home with the same advice you got---take 2 iron pills instead of one).  To keep my story short, after consulting with specialists it turned out that I needed to have blood transfusions before both deliveries (actually the transfusions occurred about 6 weeks prior to my due dates).  The OB/GYN the second time (I changed doctors between the two pregnancies) explained to me that the reason for this was that if they had to do an emergency C-section my low counts would be a problem in receiving anesthesia.  Other than the required transfusions, I needed nothing special and gave birth to two healthy children (both natural deliveries).  I can't imagine why the hospital would be reluctant to handle the birth of your child, other than they are unfamiliar with Thal trait and are operating out of ignorance.  Try consulting a hemotologist, see if transfusions might be needed for you as well,  and maybe the hematologist can explain the risks (and lack of them) to the hospital.  Best of luck!



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Re: Thal Minor and Pregancy (long post)
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2006, 12:28:13 AM »
HI Mel
       am a father of five child who they are really give me head ache but what a wonderfull head ache i think Andy agree with me because we have same number of children ...any way .. five child come to this worl by caesarean section  also a bout the hb my wife as athala.minor her HB go down up to 8.0 it's normal because she is as thalas.minor what my advice is you must eat alot of fresh food and alot of fresh vegetable it's very good food for you and for your feuture baby also alot of water ...
 all the best  :hug
                     state of kuwait


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