Some Advice Needed

  • 7 Replies
Some Advice Needed
« on: September 19, 2006, 06:49:32 AM »
i am hoping someone here can give me some advice.  i am australian.  living in thailand.  have just met a wonderful man who has told me that he has thalassemia.  i have no idea what type it is (but he was only diagnosed 4 yrs ago and is on some kind of medication three times a day) as i dont know much about this disorder at all. 

he hasnt even told his own mother about this as he doesnt want to worry her, but he has told me and whilst i am flattered that he has chosen me to tell, i am obviously very concerned at the same time. 

he is strong, healthy, and is very positive.  he did tell me that he suffers from the occasional time where says 'everything goes black' but he seems to recover quickly from this.  occasionally he gets very tired and has to sleep for the day, but this hasnt happened for some time. 

i really want to support him and give him some more advice than what he is currently getting.  i have been to a couple of websites and printed off some dietary advice and would like to take him to a really good doctor to get checked out. 

if, in the future (if we have one - its early days) we have kids, there is only about a 50% chance that these kids would have the disorder - is that right?  and as i am 41 yrs old, would the fact that i would be an 'older mother' increase the chances of our children being positive? 

i would appreciate ANY advice you guys can give me.  i really do care about this man and would like to help him in any way i can. 


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Some Advice Needed
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2006, 07:33:13 AM »
Hi and welcome to the group,

Since you are not a thal trait carrier, your age would make no difference. As you said, any child would have a 50% chance of acquiring the trait. This results in the mild form of thalassemia called minor, which can cause mild to moderate anemia and some related problems when the anemia is worse. However, these are not severe problems compared to what is found in thal major. The important thing is that there is no danger of you having a thal major child.

Your boyfriend is either minor or intermedia. He could not be major if he did not find out until adulthood. If he only found this out 4 years ago, the chances are he is a minor. See if you can find out the name of the medication he is on. The everything goes black episodes could be caused by a number of things, including temporary low blood pressure.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Danielle

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Re: Some Advice Needed
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2006, 12:58:59 AM »
Welcome to the group, Donna!  Good to see you here!   :bighug

Considering his own mother doesn't know he has Thalassemia, he is most-likely the minor form of it, as Andy has said.  If he has Thal Minor, he may have some mild symptoms, but otherwise he should be fine. 

As long as you are not a carrier, you do not have anything to worry about in regards to having children with the more severe form of the disorder.

If you have any questions, or just need a friend, we are all here to help.   :hug


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Re: Some Advice Needed
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2006, 02:40:09 AM »

Hello Donna,

Welcome!  I have tried to find some contacts for you in Thailand.  I have found a hospital that treats (the severe form) of thalassaemia, however it is a children's hospital.  Perhaps you could call them and ask who your friend could be referred to?  The website is  Another hospital where a lot of research into thalassaemia is done is the Siriraj hospital. 

The Thalassaemia Foundation of Canada website also lists thalassaemia support groups from around the world and you might also like to contact:

Thalassaemia Foundation of Thailand
Department of Pediatrics
Address: Siriraj Hospital
Bangkok 10700
Telephone: 0066-2-411-3010
Fax: 0066-2-412-1371
Web Site:

I hope this information is of some help!  Before you think about having children it might be useful for you to be tested to check whether you are a carrier of a thalassaemia variant.


Re: Some Advice Needed
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2006, 09:33:48 AM »
Thankyou SO much for this advice everyone.  I really appreciate it.  I am trying to learn more about this condition and am slowing getting there.  If i need anything else, i will certainly be back. 

What a lovely, friendly forum this is. 


Offline Miaki

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Re: Some Advice Needed
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2006, 02:52:07 PM »
Hi Donna

Welcome !

You could also try contacting Prof Suthat Fucharoen from Thailand. His a genetic researcher but I'm sure he would be able to put you in contact a treating haemotologist.

I will attempt to find out his contact details.




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Re: Some Advice Needed
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2006, 01:51:56 AM »
you love him? he love you?  ok

       go to the nearest spicialest Dr  and check your self  and him also if you are nigative get marry from him and don't forget to invite us  :biggrin


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Re: Some Advice Needed
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2006, 08:27:57 AM »
Hi Donna,

Welcome to the family!

Just like Mr. Khalifa said; you should also get yourself tested too lest you are a silent carrier just like your significant other has been for all this time since his birth.

Hopefully you will be all right and won't have to worry about any Thal. Major in your future generation.

Take care

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