My son has beta Thal and need your advice from all of you...

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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: My son has beta Thal and need your advice from all of you...
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2011, 11:35:11 PM »

Now that I have more complete information, I can better advise. Your son is an HbE beta thalassemic. This can manifest as either transfusing or non-transfusing thal intermedias depending on the severity of the beta gene mutation. Your son's HbA is non-existent. His hemoglobin consists of HbE, caused by a common Asian variation of the beta gene, HbF which is produced by the neighboring gamma gene, and HbA2 produced in small quantities by another neighboring gene. No normal beta globin is produced by the beta gene. This is beta zero and when combined with HbE this is likely to require transfusions.

The way you describe your son's health and activity level, he does appear to need regular transfusions, perhaps once a month, maybe a little longer. The problem with this is that it does add iron, which means after awhile he will need to begin a chelation program. The other problem is that he risks more antibody reactions with ongoing transfusions. This is also a common transfusion related issue and it causes the spleen to enlarge as it removes red blood cells. In the past, the routine was to surgically remove the spleen to slow down this process, but this has proven to not be a good policy in the long term, as it can lead to other problems as patients age. It should not be removed unless there is a clear danger of rupture. Talk to the doctor about your child's apparent antibody reaction to the transfusion and see if there is anything that can be done to more closely match his blood for transfusions. The Hb should not drop within a few days and as long as it does, antibody reactions are the most likely cause. If you can get him past this and on a transfusion regimen when needed, his overall health should improve dramatically. I have heard this often in cases of thal intermedias. I am sorry that the doctors won't cooperate and try hydroxyurea, but perhaps in a few years, once this new drug is marketed, the doctors will be much less reluctant because this drug is being developed specifically for raising the Hb, especially in thals with Hb levels in the range that your son has. This drug is being tested in Asia also, so I do believe there will be real attempts to get this drug into the hands of Asian patients. I expect that we may also see some copying from certain drug companies in Asia, as there is with chelators. So, keep hope. I think the best thing right now is to test his Hb regularly and transfuse when needed. I do think with his lowest recorded Hb level being 7 and a high HbF, that he is an excellent candidate for Hb inducing drugs.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: My son has beta Thal and need your advice from all of you...
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2011, 07:49:09 AM »
Hi Andy!

Thank you very much for your advice,

It's mean that now my son just keep regulary transfusion please?  I really worry about him, while his Hb drop too fast, and he cannot take any drugs.

For hydroxyurea, it is so expensive? Where can we come to treat? have any association can help us? My son really need your help!!

Now his health is not good, he has cough everyday, although he takes medicine but still cough,  i don't know how can i do for him.

HIgh appreciate for your advice,

Thanks again,


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: My son has beta Thal and need your advice from all of you...
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2011, 01:33:14 AM »
I think his health will be better with regular transfusions, but the blood needs to last longer, so talk to your doctor to see if there is any better matching available to help prevent antibody reactions from the transfused blood. The Hb will have to be tested between transfusions to find out how often he will need to take blood. Once regular transfusions start, the goal is to stay above an Hb of 9 so that the quality of life is improved and bone marrow activity is reduced.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: My son has beta Thal and need your advice from all of you...
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2011, 04:50:28 AM »
Hi Andy,

I asked our doctors many times about this, and asked him that has any drugs for my son to help prevent antibody reaction from the transfused blood, increase his Hb, and slow down his hb dropping.

OUr doctors just told that not have drugs, just follow up and take acid folic everyday, nothing more.

I really worry about that, and these time, my son is not good, he always vomit, cough, fever.

Really high appreciate for your advice,

Thank you very much,



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: My son has beta Thal and need your advice from all of you...
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2011, 03:51:02 PM »

Get him transfused when he gets listless and sickly. After a few months, the length of time he can go between transfusions will become set. As I said, the antibody reaction seems to be the biggest obstacle so far. But, you cannot know if this is continuing unless he gets transfused. Hopefully, his blood will last longer. Until he is no longer sickly, I cannot advise he try anything like hydroxyurea, as his system probably won't easily tolerate the introduction of any drug. Once he is transfusuing and maintaining his Hb level for a few weeks, his health should improve.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: My son has beta Thal and need your advice from all of you...
« Reply #20 on: October 31, 2011, 01:06:37 AM »
Hi Andy!

Really high appreciate for your advice,

I will try to ask the doctor for my son try hydroxyurea.
Hydroyurea is expensive or not, please?

Somebody told me that should be bring my son travel abroad to treat for him, because in Viet nam, will be take along along times to treat for Thal.
Please kindly help to advise me where can we come to treat?

Thank you very very much for everything from you.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: My son has beta Thal and need your advice from all of you...
« Reply #21 on: October 31, 2011, 01:42:08 AM »
Hi Kim,

Hydroxyurea is a fairly inexpensive drug. A study on its use in Algeria suggested that it should be considered a potential therapy for thalassemia in poorer nations exactly because of its low cost. You are right about treatment being better elsewhere. In your region, Singapore might be the best place to go to get a proper evaluation and recommendations for the best treatment program for your son, but I would assume it would not be cheap to do so. I don't know the state of medical care in Vietnam but I must assume that it is not well advanced at this time. Can you tell me is Vietnam progressing in terms of general medical care?

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: My son has beta Thal and need your advice from all of you...
« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2011, 02:29:02 PM »
Dear Andy,

I don't know how can i talk to your about Vietnam progressing in terms of general medical care.
In Vietnam, we have to pay a lot of money to cure Thal, the insurance company just pay a little, that's why we cannot cure this.
I am really worry about my son, i read on internet, they told that Thal patients cannot be cure, and slowly to grow up.
I have sister in USA, she will be act as guarantee for my son come to USA to cure Thal, is it possible or not, please?
I asked many doctors about hydroyurea, but nothing from them. I really want bring my son come to Singapore to treat for him. But we dont have enough money to do it, i wish have any association can help us.

And now, my son has high fever after transfusion. How can i do now, Andy?

High appreciate for your advice,


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: My son has beta Thal and need your advice from all of you...
« Reply #23 on: November 07, 2011, 01:53:20 AM »
Hi Kim,

The only cure currently available for thalassemia is bone marrow transplant. For most patients, a cure is not possible due to lack of a matching donor and the cost. So, treatment is the usual course of action. Transfusions and chelation once necessary. Keeping the Hb above 9 is the best way to help his growth.

The fever is probably because white blood cells are present in the transfused blood. Is he getting whole blood or packed red cells? Is the blood being filtered? This is important to prevent reactions to the blood.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline JV

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Re: My son has beta Thal and need your advice from all of you...
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2012, 07:41:51 PM »
Hi Kim, how is your son doing?


Offline Poirot

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Re: My son has beta Thal and need your advice from all of you...
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2012, 10:20:33 AM »

How old is your son?

And, I have to agree with Andy on one aspect - you should STOP transfusions for a while to see how low his HB drops and whether it stabilises or not. I would even say that you may want to see the HB drop to 6.0 before restarting a transfusion schedule.

With his HbF levels, he should do fine for a long time without transfusions. Transfusing such a child make actually create transfusion dependency, where none may exist at the moment.

RE: infections - water quality is a big issue across Asia - do you boil or filter the water for your son? Or is it raw water from the pump or the tap? Similarly, things like salads and uncooked vegetables can pose a threat to your son. All such "raw" food should be thoroughly rinsed and washed with boiled water.

I hope this helps.


Re: My son has beta Thal and need your advice from all of you...
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2012, 05:08:52 AM »
Thank you every body for your all comment.

My son is 7 years old.

The doctos just give acid folic, supply vitamin B for him, and nothing else.

I was so worry, his HbF dropped down quickly, just 3 weeks, the doctors have just requested blood transfusion for him, no medicine to stop his HbF  dropping down. His healthy was not good, always fever, flu, cough, ....

Then we used Vietnamese traditional medicine (base on medicine herbs). Now he is better, i don't know how is he in the future.

His HbF has 8.41 at this time. His skin still pale, and have a cough. From last Nov, 2011, he could extend the time for blood transfusion, it takes 2 months.
I always cooked everything before gave to him to eat.

 if you have any ideas to help my son Please advise me. We still need all of your helps!

Thanks again,

Best regards,


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