Hello everyone,
My name is Angela, and I am new to this group. Andy and Danielle have done such a wonderful job with this web site. Thank you so much for continuing Lisa's dream. She would be so happy that the site has so many members.

I was friends with Lisa for 9 years. We had so much fun together. She had such an amazing spirit, and was so happy and joyful, even after all that she went through. After she passed away, life was not the same for me and never will be. I still feel an emptiness inside every day, but I also know that she is with me in spirit, as she is with all of us.
One of the things I would like to say to the patients is that I hope you are all doing well and that you are getting your treatments regularly. We all want you to stay as healthy as you can for as long as you can, not only for yourself, but for all of the people that love you. So on the days that you are struggling with a needle, or on the days that you are feeling very tired, please come here and post your feelings so that we can support you. Don't ever feel like you are alone. We are all here to help you and to help each other. I certainly don't know everything about Thalassemia, but I know what I learned from Lisa over the years and I want to help those that I can - even if you just need to talk or vent about things.
I hope to get to know everyone in time. You are all such a wonderful group of people. (I am going to have fun watching Danielle and her "special friend" Richard bicker back and forth. Haha.)

P.S. Richard, try not to refer to yourself as Danielle's "special friend" on her Valentine's card. It may not go over too well...Heheh.