My son is almost 5 and has beta thal major. He is an active, typical 5 year old. Day to day he requires no additional or special care.
It is necessary to be able to take him to the lab to test his hem. level, etc. every 3 weeks past transfusion. It is necessary to be able to take a day off from work every 3 weeks for his transfusion. (Actually I take 1/2 day off of work and he takes 1/2 day of school and we arrive at hospital by noon and are done by 4:30.) Also must make certain to mix his Exjade each day. And to advocate for him receiving the best care, follow current standards of care from thal center, and make sure to get all annual exams necessary.
My son does not use the desferal pump, which I realize would require more care/administering it.
Also, my son does not have a port so I we do not have additional ER visits due to precaution when fevers.