I have thal minor and have know since I was a child. I usually feel great and have energy and I live a normal life, except for when I am pregnant. This is my 3rd pregnancy and for sure my last!!! I have such a hard time when I am pregnant due to the thal minor. My Hgb usually is around 11, but when I am pregnant it goes down to 7.5-10 depending on the week! I also experience the following symptoms starting around week 6 of my pregnancy. I get short of breath with minimal exertion-such as walking, my pulse is around 90-100 at rest and my BP typically is on the lower end 100/70. I get frequent headaches, and I hear my pulse in my right ear which is very annoying. And I am very, very tired. I also feel cold a lot even though the weather is very warm.
My doctors are still telling me the same thing. They say I need to increase my iron and then I would be fine. I know that they are incorrect and I have not increased my iron, instead I try to take 1000mg of Folic Acid a day along with my multi vitamin and fish oil supplement.
So I guess my main concern is the fact that my pulse runs so high. I worry that it is putting too much stress on my heart (which my last EKG showed all normal findings). I do remember that this occurred with my last 2 pregnancies, but this time it seems to be more frequent!
Is a rise in pulse normal for thal minor during pregnancy to help the body to compensate for the lack of O2 due to low Hgb levels? Is there anything I can do to help? I usually notice my shortness of breath increases significantly when my pulse is elevated, which makes sense, but it is really uncomfortable!