
  • 3 Replies
« on: September 13, 2011, 11:56:50 AM »
I have been trying to research some of the vitamins suggested. does anyone know a good website to look at. I read someplace that vitamins e, c and d can end up staying stored in your body and basically poison you i would just like to learn more on the whole topic


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: vitamins
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2011, 04:14:17 AM »
The B vitamins and vitamin C are water soluble and need to be regularly replenished because they don't stay in the body for long. Vitamins A, D & E are fat soluble vitamins and will be stored in the body. However, at least one half of people tested are deficient for D, so it is recommended to test for it if tiredness or depression are present or if there is little exposure to the sun. Unless one takes huge doses of D, it is difficult to get to a high level. Vitamin E is difficult to get from the processed foods of today's world. It is a very important vitamin for thals, as most thal majors test extremely deficient unless they supplement. A dose of 400-800 IU daily is safe. I have taken 400 IU of E daily for over 35 years and find it has great value as an antioxidant. Vitamin A builds in the body and is not a supplement that most people need. I do not recommend A unless a test has shown a certain deficiency.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: vitamins
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2011, 03:57:49 PM »
HI, my name is Lisa and I'm new here! I am also newly diagnosed with Thal Minor... I would really like to kick this fatigued feeling (I also get pretty dizzy) I know I should be taking Folic acid... But Really I should take a whole mg? I have not gone back to the hematologist for her to tell me how much to take yet (BTW she doesn't really 'get' it that I don't feel well). I have a huge problem taking pills dew to their size. I just found that One a day has 'petites' (smaller pills, ( : you just take two instead of one ) Here is the ingredient list / vitamin list. (picture below). Also, Could you recommend what else I should be taking along with the one a days? If it matters I'm only 95 lbs and my BeYaz has (IDK what all this is so I'm just copying and pasting it from their site... and IDK how much vit B and of what B vit it is?!?)  B vitamin, levomefolate calcium 451 mcg – an equimolar dose to folic acid 400 mcg, in it. My diet isn't the best since I don't have the biggest stomach or appetite lol So if you could tell me some stuff I should definitely add in to my diet every day I would be so thankful! TIA


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: vitamins
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2011, 04:52:16 PM »
Hi Lisa,

The drug Yaz (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol) is a controversial drug, and because it is linked to clotting problems which can lead to stroke and also gallbladder issues, sometimes requiring surgery, I don't see it as an appropriate drug for thals, because thals minor through major regularly experience both clotting and gallbladder problems. I would recommend finding a substitute drug.

The multivitamin you are taking contains iron. This may not be needed, as iron is not recommended for thal minors unless a proven iron deficiency exits, because iron cannot affect the low hemoglobin level caused by thalassemia. The anemia of thal minor is not caused by any deficiency, but rather it is a genetic condition where one of the beta globin genes does not function correctly, leading to a lower output and a lower Hb level. If you haven't had a panel of tests called iron studies, taking iron should be avoided. Do they make an iron free version of the same multi? 1 mg daily of folic acid is not a large dose and is routinely prescribed for thals because it is needed for red blood cell production. It is also recommended for all women of child bearing age. In general, the multi is OK but I would suggest higher folic acid and a separate natural vitamin E supplement. At your weight 200-400 IU E daily would be sufficient. I don't want to recommend a lot of pills but a multi, folic acid and vitamin E are all recommended. Since your appetite is light, please try to concentrate on eating nutritious foods and avoiding junk food. Antioxidants are very important to counter the stresses of thalassemia, so make sure you get fresh fruits and vegetables.

There is no sure or quick method to eliminate tiredness with thal minor, but a healthy lifestyle is very important to minimize the tiredness and fatigue. One thing I would suggest is having your vitamin D level checked. Low levels contribute to tiredness and even can lead to depression. A majority of people tested are deficient in D because they have limited regular exposure to the sun. If your level is not at least 30-35, a higher dose than 1000 IU is needed. It is also possible to find liquid vitamin D supplements, so the swallowing pills problem isn't an issue.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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