There are several possibilities for leg pain. The simplest is cramps that develop from a loss of electrolytes like sodium and potassium. If an electrolyte drink like Gatorade or anything similar, helps relieve the pain, it's probably a mineral depletion. Another nutrient that is known to be involved is magnesium, which is extremely important to muscle development and health. I typically suggest magnesium for thal minors anyway, because it is needed for the health of red blood cell walls. 500 mg daily is suggested for muscle issues.
Some other more serious causes of leg pain that are "peripheral artery disease, a decrease in arterial blood supply due to narrowing of blood vessels to the leg," and blood clots. PAD would probably not be considered because of your age. Again, the clotting connection is a possibility in miscarriage, so this may also be a possibility. This type of clot in the leg poses no danger of embolism, but it is a health issue. Vitamin E can help. If a doctor suspects clotting, a daily baby aspirin may be the recommendation. There is a good article that includes a discussion about leg pain at The page begins with physical trauma related causes, which as far as I know, aren't involved. Review the traumatic cases to rule out any possibility and then scroll down to the Nontraumatic Leg Pain section.
I would try the easy approach and try electrolytes and magnesium along with vitamin E. If clotting may be an issue, you might want to try a daily baby aspirin. If you don't get improvement with potassium or magnesium, you might want to talk to your doctor. If there is any suspicion of clotting, the doctor might want to order an ultrasound of the legs to make sure there are no small clots.