Numbing - related symptom?

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Numbing - related symptom?
« on: October 07, 2011, 08:13:48 PM »
Hi all,

I'm just experiencing something here and it might be the beginning of something I've gone through before.

Right now my right hand pinky is going numb.

In the past after that the next fingers went numb too, one after the other, and part of my hand. Had to squeeze really hard to have some feeling in it. After that, typically I get a bad headache and it becomes really difficult to think, and in a couple of occasions even articulate intelligible words. It's like I can't understand my own thoughts and then it degenerates in a short term aphasia. I usually take a few hours of rest at that point, either sleep or just lay down without having ppl talk to me or make me talk until I'm able to express again.

I haven't gone to the doc when having these symptoms cause they'd most probably be done by the time I can be seen (wait room times generally suck!) it happened about 5 times in the past 10 yrs or so

Right now my finger is in the same state, it takes some 30-40 mins to progress to that state I'm estimating, but I'm at work, on my break and concerned it may happen again and will scare my co-workers again (collapsed a few weeks back, too, but not with any of these symptoms)

So my question to you is, have any of you experienced this, or does anyone know if it's related to Thal
minor at all or is it some sort of a mini stroke, like I have also suspected?

What do u think?


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