Your husband's Hb level is also normal. His levels all reflect what is expected in beta thal minor and are not of any alarm. The liver is often found to be slightly enlarged in thal minors as a result of high turnover of RBCs.The only other thing I would suggest is that he try supplementing 500 mg magnesium daily in addition to the other supplements, which are all good. This may help to slow the turnover a bit. Because his deletion is a beta zero, one might not expect such a healthy Hb level. In fact, modest anemia would normally be expected. Do you also have the results of a hemoglobin electrophoresis for him and has he been screened for silent carrier alpha? If he hasn't been screened for alpha, this must be done before continuing to try to get pregnant. The reason I mention this is because a co-existing alpha deletion can moderate beta minor, thereby producing a normal Hb level. A high production of fetal hemoglobin would also explain this. This would also explain his tiredness in spite of a normal Hb because fetal hemoglobin does not release oxygen as readily as normal adult hemoglobin, which can result in lack of endurance.
His ferritin is a bit high, but not enough to cause any problems. It may actually be high because of inflammation or infection. I would definitely suggest that he never take iron supplements. Besides their mild chelating affect, IP6 and green tea extract are excellent antioxidants, so he can consider taking them. As far as hepatitis, there are several herbal remedies of great value. Milk thistle is a common weed that has remarkable properties. Not only is it a good liver tonic but it actually helps to regenerate damaged tissue. It is well known as a treatment for hepatitis. Red clover and nigella are other herbs which are also helpful to the liver. Nigella is a common herb in southern Asian cooking and is also known by many other names. These can help to keep his hepatitis under control and not a factor in his life.