Does this say by 'efficiently' delivering phytic acid they are able to cure Sickle Cell in the mouse ?
They mix it externally and then inject into the mice.
Efficacy of homologous inositol hexaphosphate-loaded red blood cells
in sickle transgenic mice
Vanessa Bourgeaux1, Emeline Aufradet2, Yannick Campion1, Geneviève De
Souza2, Françoise Horand1, Amine Bessaad2, Anne-Marie Chevrier1,
Emmanuelle Canet-Soulas3, Yann Godfrin1,†,*, Cyril Martin2,
†Article first published online: 7 MAR 2012
British Journal of Haematology
1ERYTECH Pharma, Lyon, France
2EA 647 Centre de Recherche et d'Innovation sur le Sport, Université
Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France
3INSERM U1060, Laboratoire CarMeN et CENS, Université Claude Bernard
Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France
†CM and YG have co-directed this work.
*Correspondence: Yann Godfrin, ERYTECH Pharma, 60 Avenue Rockefeller,
Lyon, 69008, France.
Patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) can present several severe
symptoms during their lifetime, including painful events due to
vascular occlusion (VOC).
Even though multiple factors are involved in VOC, hypoxia is the most
important triggering factor.
Inositol hexaphosphate (IHP) reduces the oxygen-haemoglobin affinity
thus improving the oxygen release in the blood stream and in the
Thus, IHP-loaded homologous red blood cells (IHP-RBCs) could be able
to reduce disorders in SCD.
The effectiveness of treatment was assessed in two types of SCD
transgenic mice (BERK and SAD).
The administration of four repeated injections of IHP-RBCs in BERK
mice resulted in an improved survival rate and brain development,
prevention of severe anaemia and a greatly lowered risk of VOC.
After one injection of IHP-RBCs, SAD mice were subjected to acute
hypoxic stress.
Analysis of the lungs revealed significantly decreased mRNA levels of
molecules involved in intravascular disorders.
Our results showed that transfusion of homologous IHP-RBCs, by
increasing the oxygen delivery, reduces SCD disorders in sickle
transgenic mice.
Keywords:erythrocytes;sickle cell disease;blood transfusion;transgenic
mice model;oxygen affinity;cellular therapies
Funded by
French ANR. Grant Number: ANR-08-BIOT-011-01
Bourgeaux, V., Aufradet, E., Campion, Y., De Souza, G., Horand, F.,
Bessaad, A., Chevrier, A.-M., Canet-Soulas, E., Godfrin, Y. and
Martin, C. (2012), Efficacy of homologous inositol hexaphosphate-
loaded red blood cells in sickle transgenic mice. British Journal of
Haematology. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2012.09077.x
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2012.09077.x
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd