Confused about how to interpret electrophoresis results. help please?

  • 3 Replies
this is the result of the electrophoresis i did years ago. i have some questions about this and would be happy if you can help. based on this, i have been told that the chances that i have thalassemia are around 0% although i have mild microcytic hypochromic anemia without iron deficity and my spleen is also enlarged. and RBC has been slightly elevated at times. and on of my former family docs also believed it's thalassemia. it looks pretty much like alpha-thalassemia trait to me. would be a good explaination for me feeling like crap all the time.

Question 1 :looks like they have just measured hemoglobin A, F, and A2 so: does this mean they haven't checked for Hemoglobin H or the other kinds or does it mean they havent found any Hemoglobin H or other abnormal kinds of Hemoglobin and are to lazy to mention that there is 0% Hemoglobin H for example?! (i know i kind of sound like i'm being silly)

Question 2:Assuming they have just measured Hgb A, F, A2 -->  it sais 97.5% Hgb A, 0.5% Hgb F, 2.0% Hgb A2--> so: 97.5 + 0.5 + 2.0 = 100%. but 100% of WHAT? 100% of Hgb A + F + A2? or 100% of ALL KINDS of healthy or unhealthy hemoglobin found in my blood?

in other words, lets say someone has hemoglobin h disease with 5% or whatever of Hemoglobin H and he gets the same test done: would the sum of Hgb A + Hgb F + Hgb A2 be 95% and the doc running up the wall about where the 5% is?

I'm really sorry if i'm being confusing. english is not my first language ( and not even second) and i'm generally a very confused person with the confusion being very contagious.

thank's for reading.


p.s. : here is a rather not so recent CBC of mine. just for fun!

Oo typo: BKS (BSR) is actually ESR sorry


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Confused about how to interpret electrophoresis results. help please?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2011, 01:21:56 AM »
Hi Omid,

HbH will usually not be seen in alpha thal carriers' electrophoresis tests. Your results look absolutely normal, but alpha carriers can't be detected by electrophoresis. The CBC numbers are fairly normal but the MCV and MCH are both slightly low, so alpha carrier or trait can't be completely ruled out. However, your Hb level is normal so tiredness from anemia shouldn't be present. So, have you ever had your vitamin D level checked? It is one of the most common reasons for tiredness and depression.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Confused about how to interpret electrophoresis results. help please?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2011, 10:01:04 AM »
Review your diet and lifestyle, your triglycerides are atrocious.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Confused about how to interpret electrophoresis results. help please?
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2011, 11:08:57 PM »
I agree. Your health issues may be due more to diet and deficiencies that any blood disorder.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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