Hi, been awhile

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Offline Yodagramma

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Hi, been awhile
« on: September 09, 2011, 02:10:28 PM »
I was 53 when I first found out I had thalassemia, I had been researching this site looking for information on why I felt the way I did and the information here I relayed to my doctor who then ran tests and said I was a Thal minor.  He also said as a thal minor I would have no symptoms.  I read through the nutritional information here and started taking  Folic Acid, BComplex, Calcium,Vitamin D, Magnesium and B12.  It took a few weeks, but I started feeling better with more energy and less fatigue.

I am 55 now and having problems again.  I am tired all the time, nausea almost constantly, joints hurt, I am very shakey. the least amount of stress on my muscles results in extreme muscle pain.  Even tasks like brushing or shampooing my hair causes extreme muscle fatigue.
Just had my lab works done again and my iron is too high, normally it is about 45 and is now over 200 (please know that I understand this is not very high compared to those who have thal major and have to have transfusions) 
I have osteoarthritis, which prevents me from doing the simplest things. 
Have PCOS and take metformin twice a day to keep blood sugar controlled. 
In spite of a battle to lose weight in the last 8 months, and exercise in the pool 5-6 days a week (the only exercise I can do without causing muscle fatigue and pain), my blood pressure was high and so am on a calcium channel blocker which the doctor just cut in half as my blood pressure runs about 90/60 now.  BP med does help with PVC's and they seem to be gone now.
 I had my right thyroid removed due to an autonomous functioning nodule in 1984 and pretty much have taken the same dosage of Synthroid ever since then.  Now I am getting too much and so the doctor has lowered that also.
I climb one flight of steps from our basement to the upsatirs and am severely short of breath.  Walking does not make me short of breath neither does swimming or doing exercises in the pool.  The doctor has ordered a pulmonary study and possibly back to cardiologist if needed.  Chest xray was fine.  I had a stress test two years ago, which came out abnormal, however after a catheterization, heart doc said, thats just the way it is with me and everything was great with heart.
I am sorry if I seem to be rambling, it is just that I am at the lowest point in my life and wonder if any of these problems are connected to being thal minor? I just think I am not old enough to feel this poorly.


Offline CatherineM

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Re: Hi, been awhile
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2011, 10:12:43 PM »

Are you feeling any better?

My daughter 16 years swims without getting short of breath (unless she pushes really hard) but can't run.

Thing with the iron numbers you need to look at all of the results in the iron studies, not just one.




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