Hello from Mars

  • 3 Replies
Hello from Mars
« on: November 09, 2011, 08:27:39 PM »
I’m omid (at least i like to be called that on the Internets)
I'm 28, male, live in Germany. Me and my family moved here from Iran when i was a teenager.

I have any kind of psychiatric diagnosis you could imagine (“probable”  OCD, “probable” Bipolar, “probable” Schizophrenia, Asperger’s disorder, again, “probable” and some personality disorders for the flavour). But no one is quite sure what it is, and i personally believe i have something entirely non-psychiatric because i have never behaved or or had ideas that remotely looks like the picture-book schizophrenic, manic, depressive etc. but i feel very bad most of the time. i prefer to call my symptoms neurological/cognitive rather than psychiatric. OK enough of the psycho stuff. i think it’s already too much info. the whole “neurological” problems started at 13 or so, or maybe i just cant remember how i felt before that. my memory is REALLY bad.

anyways, I've had issues with fatigue and looking malnourished as a kid (to the point that people talked stuff about my parents) and i was always very bad at sports in school with astronomically high pulse (like 180), but fine otherwise. and i was really good at school otherwise. my height is also normal. and thank to psychiatric medication I’m now overweight. :(

Some years ago, my then family doc pointed out that i could have Thalassemia minor but it’s ok and there is no need for treatment or anything. And I looked it up and and forgot about that because that doc “was not so good” otherwise. some years later i went back to Iran and i somehow managed to have electrophoresis done for like 20 euros and it came out negative so I TRUELY forgot about me having Thalassemia, until 4 days ago when i find out that such thing as ALPHA-thalassemia exists and that it wont show up in electrophoresis..... and my spleen is also enlarged but again according to the “not so good otherwise” doc so i need to have that done too again.

on course, i’m really eager to drive you nuts with all the three million questions i have but I’ll do that later in the proper forum.



Offline Madhavi

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Re: Hello from Mars
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2011, 11:10:47 PM »
That is one of the most interesting introductions I have ever read...!Interesting, mind boggling, and so many more adjectives...I am so curious about you...what do you do for a living? ??????
Love and luck to all...


Offline Madhavi

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Re: Hello from Mars
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2011, 11:12:03 PM »
Forgot to welcome you to this site on earth!
Andy and the senior members will have answers to most of your three million questions, I am sure!
Love and luck to all...


Offline CatherineM

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Re: Hello from Mars
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2011, 10:16:24 PM »
Hi omid

Have a daughter aqed 14 with Asperger this is not a psychiatric disorder.  Asperger is just have a different way of thinking.  Any questions please let me know.




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