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Offline san7213

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« on: November 08, 2011, 03:24:48 AM »
Im 47 years old and after all these years I finally find this incredible web site.  I have passed it on to my Sister, Niece and my Daughter.
I'm finding such comfort in hearing that minor trait does has symptoms.  I always new this deep down, and watching my Father suffer for so many years with no real diagnoses was devastating.

I happened to find this searching for a reason why my normal iron level of 11 has dropped down to an 8.
The good news is, i'm not bleeding anywhere and I'm going to see a new doc this fri to figure this out.  my natural instinct had me start up on folic acid and B12, so when i read this here I was so excited to know that this was the current path, plus all the extra knowledge on what bit to take.

My heart goes out to those beautiful pictures of Lisa, with an incredible smile.  and all the hard work lisa wanted to accomplish.

Thank You Andy for continuing her legacy.

Sandi - May we live a pain free day


Offline allie

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Re: new
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2011, 11:58:02 PM »
Welcome, I hope you find the answers you're looking for.


Offline san7213

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Re: new with iron deficiency
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2011, 03:42:04 AM »
i saw my new hematologist today.  he said I'm a thal minor with iron deficiency.  he started me on iron for 1 month, then will retest my levels. i'm taking it twice a day.  i was a little nervice, the one and only time I took iron was when I was pregnant.
does this sound right to you guys?

Sandi - May we live a pain free day


Offline Bobby

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Re: new
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2011, 04:03:44 PM »
Welcome to the site.


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