I don't have much to add in terms of help here, but wanted to chime in support for bigg as he did the same for me when i posted in this forum 4 years ago. I really admire his tenacity and scientific approach. Reminds me a lot of me, but i see has gone a lot further. And i thought it was thorough!
Well it's been 4 years and i have been on all sorts of swings and roundabouts. But i am still much the same

I dismissed the idea of thal.minor a long time ago as Andy mentioned that i should feel fine as my Hb was at 12.9 i think at the time. It fluctuates, i think its about 12/12.5 now. I think this was a well intended but possibly damaging piece of advice. As bigg illustrates, he has Hb of 15.3 and still feels fatigued. I believe (though i guess none of us know) the theory of an increased requirement for vitamins and minerals is an accurate one, and it putting a huge strain on our bodies causes the fatigue. Obviously as i've got older the fatigue has increased.
It started very young, i remember at 10 yo needing to have naps after school when other kids would want to come round and play, and moan that i was sleeping. Having aches in my legs after a full day, having cravings for lemons and salt and vinegar, dry eyes, dry hair... Though my energy would be ok after a nap. Now the nap is mandatory it feels like to keep me alive, not just to tide me over for activities. Activities are almost non existent. It is my 30th birthday in a couple of hours, and here i am.. On a forum for answers. Energy to socialise these days is non existent, energy even to be happy.
My recent searches into health were focussed around GI. I started paleo too and thought i had wheat allergies. I would have constant diarrhea so figured this was the cause of my lack of energy (lack of uptake of nutrients). I focussed on this. I have right shoulder pain and chest pain. I figured this is gallstones and pancreas pain which correlates perfectly with the diarrhea fatty stools. I have been trying to curtail this for a while with slow progress (l-glutamine, colostrum, ox bile, digestive enzyme, probiotics). Slowly this is gaining SOME relief in symptoms of diarrhea but not energy. I have cut out wheat for a couple of years now and dont feel much different. Better than before, but not BETTER. SO this is not a root cause, just a antagoniser, so best left alone.
Of course, i believe my gallstones are (probably) primarily bilirubin. This would again correlate with thal minor. This would also explain the pancreatic pain and problem digesting fats (stones blocking the pancreatic duct causing a back up of pancreatic enzymes in pancreas, causing it to digest itself). The small gains i have here seem mainly palliative though, and not curative. It is worth noting these symptoms have been slowly growing from barely noticeable to strong over about 10 years. To the present point of unignorable.
So here i am. 4 years later from when i first posted, trying so many different things i wont even remember them. But i ordered prescription cortisol (raw adrenaline) over the web, as well as thyroid hormone, which i shouldnt have done but was desperate. Downed the bottles, and felt nothing.. Nothing! Prescription meds, and i know they were real as my dad uses the same thyroid meds i just didnt want to steal his. Thats how bad my levels are, cortisol barely does anything for me. I have had food intolerance tests, visited a nutritionist for help with adrenal fatigue which again did nothing. I have had a surgery for a perianal fistula due to the constant diarrhea. I went to a private doctor to blood let a pint a week because i saw my ferritin went up from about 40 to 200 in a couple of years. My GP was not happy but it normalise my sometimes fluctuating liver enzymes... Theres so much i've tried i honestly cant remember.. But as i say, here i am.. Back at Thalassemia.
It makes the most sense. I had the symptoms from very young, i always crave high nutrional value and alkalising foods, like dark chocolate, lemon, vinegar, salt, artichokes, anchovies, cherries, berries etc etc. Leg aches, gall problems... Basically, i just want to call BS on the Hb levels being the only, or even main cause of fatigue for Thal.Minor patients. It just doesn't marry up with me and what i'm seeing. I just want to say thanks bigg for being there to message me when i was bad, and well done for keeping up the work. I was reading through today looking for answers and again seeing only people who have 8 or 9 Hb levels complaining of fatigue and comments from others saying that if Hb is high then you should be fine, thinking how can that possibly be, with all the other factors that would come in to being mycrocytic with so many extra blood cells being made. I will read your above posts and try to take some similar supps to what you're taking.
An interesting point to note, is that whenever i go to Cyprus every year for family holiday, usually between 1-2 weeks, i feel energised somewhat. A lot more than usual but still not 'normal' but other peoples standards. But a 100% increase for me anyway. I put this down to cleaner air, vitamin D, and probably mostly down to siestas.
At the moment i am taking multivit, b complex, b12, wheatgrass juice powder, folic acid, transdermal magnesium oil, gall plus support, digestive enzymes... Only been back on them for 2 days so nothing yet, but the mg oil and gall+enzymes has been longer so thats been doing its thing. I also take whey isolate and hydrolysate sometimes instead of meals to ease the burden on my digestive system, lemon water, marmite (

), iodine.... who knows what else...!! I tried Protandim for a while, something thats supposed to help with oxidative stress and cause a guaranteed increase of glutathione. Again didnt notice a huge amount of difference, but was taking it on its own, without fixing my diet much.
Pfff i've lost my thread there is so much going on (basically im tired and can't concentrate anymore or even proof read what i've written). But keep on keeping on. It's all we have really. I pray there will be some cure but in my heart i know there wont. The system wont allow for it, it doesn't work like that..

: Money rules. But good luck with your search.