Hi, I have been reading this forum for a long time now as a guest, finally decided to jump in. Little bit about me and my way of asking for help regarding a little concern I have. I am 24 years old. Have Thal-Major. I get blood transfusions every 3 weeks. Lately my requirement has begun to increase, used to get 2 units and now get 2.5 units, sometimes 3 full, sometimes back to 2 units. I have used deferral since birth till Exjade was approved in the U.S. And now take trail version of Ferriprox. (Reason noted below)
I recently had my T2* done, for the third time. First was heart score was bad. I switched to Ferriprox (as per doctors recommendation) 8 months later, score got better. And now about another 8 months later I am finally above the 20msec mark. Question is in that latest MRI, they found a T2 hyperintense lesion on/in one of my kidney. I was recommended to have a ultrasound done, which I will have an appointment for in 2 weeks. I don't know whether I should be worried or not. Could this be a side effect of the Ferriprox. I have only been using Ferriprox for a year and half now. Something like this is not in my family history nor have I ever had something related to this. Am I getting worried for no reason? Thoughts?