Hi Andy,
I’m caught with a series of confusion after attending today’s review at thal clinic, together with my hb 8.7 today, it adds more to my haze.. I raised a few question to the doctor attending me about what I had been gathering over the last month, which the doctor kindly took time to answer but I only “caught” half of what he’s saying.
1) I question him about my iron overload. I asked if he has heard about IP6 and he said no and will not suggest that I try it out. There had not been much research and will never recommend me to take any supplement for chelation than the government approved chelators. His worry is if the IP6 doing more harm to my RBC than good and why would I want to chelate my iron, since my store is not alarmingly high. My last iron study in June is Iron 37.3umol, TIBC 47.3 and Ferritin 1014ng/mL. Ferritin result may not be correct if there are infections so I was like

Then, he told me if there are any side effect from IP6, they are not “accustomed” to treating and told me some patients who tried out supplements before had more side effects than good and suggests that I don’t try out other than the government approved chelators with known and published work. After he discussed with the haematologist he told me that if I was worried about my overload, they have no problem to prescribe me desferiprone but it has its side effect and I have to check my FBC every week in case the WBC drops. When I asked him before I left if he’s prescribing it to me, he told me not now.
2) I’ve done the LFT twice, once last month and another one this week. My AST and ALT is slightly elevated last month but this month has came down normal. My indirect bilirubin is higher than normal, which the doctor says was because of the hemolysis. I actually started the Milk thistle that you advised and I told the doc about it and he said Western Medicine do not believe in herbs ?? and told me I should not simply take any herbs. I know you’re not a fan towards detox but I actually did one round of gallbladder flush, just to try out. I’m not too sure whether it really works but at this point I’m more than willing to experiment.
3) I asked him about is there anything to improve the hb since I’ve tried Vitamin E, B-Co, vitamins for the past 2 months that probably contribute to a more stable hb from Hb8.9 to 8.7 rather than dropping further. I told him no to transfusion after trying to get rid of iron for years, I think I will rather absorb iron from the gut rather than iron from the transfusion. After discussing with the haematologist he told me that I could try S/C Eprex (Erythropoetin) twice a week but the hospital is low in stock, and its rather costly. Once the stock has finished I will need to decide whether to continue or not. At the meantime, he indicate I may want to “research” this option(I think he probably think I research too much?). What do you think, Andy? I read on the internet its not a solution for thal, rather a short-term solution for those needing to go through a major operation, etc to increase the RBC and plus he’s not sure it works for me.
So, right now, I think the doctor still can’t conclude my diagnosis, partly because the DNA analysis haven’t returned. They cannot decide what are the best treatment for me, whether they should treat my iron overload and I am getting sick of frustration here. He ordered another preripheral blood film, as he said the haematologist are having a conference with pathologist in the state next month, so they can bring this out to discuss. Heck, I really need to know what’s wrong with me!
I actually located one store in Singapore selling IP6 Gold, by Dr. Shamsudin but the sales person cannot tell me whether the product can be used to chelate iron, rather told me about other health benefits. I’ve also found out another IP6 by Innocell, also available in Singapore but I haven’t got the time to call them up yet. I’ve been googling and found out GNC Malaysia carries GNC Herbal Plus Standardised Green Tea Complex 500mg, which each capsule features 125mg of EGCG, a major active component of Green Tea. Is this the green tea extract you’re referring to? Since the doctor said no to IP6, should I still go ahead with buying IP6 or green tea extract and which IP6 would you recommend?
Sorry if I asked too much but I think you’re seen and diagnosed more than my haematologist and doctors has done in their life for thals therefore its hard to believe every word the doctors said. Therefore I appreciate your expert opinion here.
Thank you.