Hi all, nice to meet you
I'm Luca from Italy, and i'm affected by thalassemia major. I trasfuse about 750gr of blood every 23 days and i use Exjade since 2002 with a dosage of 2370(my weight is 62kg).
My last squid is 1310.
I fortunatly never contract any virus like hep-c, but since 2005 i'm affected of psorias(don't know if i'll contract by transfusion or what else)
My spleen is stil in place

in Italy all the treatments are free and I can help someone wanting to receive the EXJADE example, taking a little more and send it, we have to fight thalassemia all togheter.
I'm currently unemployed, because in Italy there is little job possibility.My dream is to work and live in the U.S. or in Japan