hemoglobin F

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hemoglobin F
« on: December 24, 2011, 10:53:20 AM »
My son 5years old, when one year before doctors found low level of HGB they prescribed iron supplimentary tonics, when after 6months again they took HGB electrophorasis report in that the HGB F is 99% and HGB A - 1% and no other HGB in the blood and the HGB level is 8.5mg the result shown THALASSEMIA INTERMEDIATE, they stopped the iron supplimentary tonics and no other medicines prescribed.  Now, we are giving him with normal food additionally daily 2-3 dates, liver trice a week with daily 1cup of orange juice.  The CBC report before 3months shown that the HGB level is 9.8, as I dont know the difference between the HGB F and normal HGB, is this food diet is OK for him.  Anybody can help me in this matter.


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