Qi Gong for cure - improve hb, arthritis etc

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Offline gwftan

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Qi Gong for cure - improve hb, arthritis etc
« on: January 10, 2012, 02:38:15 PM »
I think you may be fascinated as I was when I heard this.  I do not believe in this either because its not proven scientifically.  My husband was looking high and low(asking friends, not the internet savvy type) looking at things that are supposed to be able to increase my hb.  TCM, plants, etc.  He came across a friend who told him that he has "cured" his thal from needing transfusion (hb 7-8) to improve it to be a blood donor status(Hb 12).  The first thing I asked my husband is what type of thal his friend has.  My initial response is to ask if his friend is an intermedia.  However, my husband do not know and thinks its not important.  The important issue here was his friend has increased his hb by practising Qi Gong. 

After hearing this, he was more enthusiastic than me, enrolled me into a class(which I was a bit reluctant to go) although the class has started 2 months ago.  Despite an apprehension, I did somehow managed to go to my first class  yesterday although I was fighting with fatigue from incessant chasing my son to finish his homework and cook, as the class was at night.  During the class, I was actually amazed at the instructors who are in their golden years, yet they are so nimble and graceful in their movement.  Although I do no understand most of the things being said, I did somehow followed through, in actions. 

I find that actually Qi Gong is a very good form of exercise. It involves manipulation of all the body's joints and muscles, and it is done in a slow pace.  It also involves breathing techniques and meditation(more of a relaxation for the peace of mind to allow healing to take place).  After doing the practice session, I feel that this session is worth more than the session done in the physiotheraphy.  My shoulder used to hurt a lot felt less painful today.  I'm not sure about the increase in Hb but I am very sure it is good for arthritis and other ailments.  After seeing a rheumatologist who concludes I've no arthritis(despite my iron overload), probably achy bones, I really felt my visit to the doctor's office is purely a waste of time!  Maybe Qi Gong is a solution and cure!


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Qi Gong for cure - improve hb, arthritis etc
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2012, 04:45:49 PM »
One very important result of this type of effort will be an improved circulatory system, which helps to optimize the delivery of oxygen throughout the body. I strongly encourage it.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline gwftan

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Re: Qi Gong for cure - improve hb, arthritis etc
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2012, 02:03:01 PM »
Yes, Andy.  I'm definitely going for it, despite 2 sessions and aching joints, it doesn't dampen my spirit!


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