Talking to your child about BMT

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Talking to your child about BMT
« on: April 27, 2016, 09:42:54 PM »
Hi everyone,
My son is almost 8 years old now. He is the kind of kid who wants to know things and asks plenty of questions like where does the  blood I get come from? How do the donors manage without it? Why doesn't my bone marrow work anymore?
Last summer we spoke to a doctor about the possibility of BMT either  haploidentical or matched unrelated. He cried afterwards  saying he doesn't want to stop transfusion. He likes having a day of full attention, freedom to watch as many cartoons as he wants and getting a small toy as a gift.
My question is directed at people with experience with BMT.If we decide to go for BMT soon  what does he need to know and when? What might he ask? Worry about? He is too young to understand or deal with the risks but I worry about making him do this without his consent.



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