Delhi, India 5th National Thalassemia Conference November 11-12, 2006

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A new milestone in the treatment of Thalassemia.

5th National Thalassemia Conference
Saturday, Sunday 11th 12th November 2006
organized by
National Thalassemia Welfare Society,

Department of Paediatrics, MAMC & LN Hospital

Department of Paediatrics, LHMC & Kalawati Saran Children's Hospital
Department of Haematology AIIMS
in association with
IAP Delhi,
PHO Chapter of IAP
Delhi Society of Haematology
Federation of Indian Thalassemics
MAMC Auditorium
Maulana Azad Medical College & Lok Nayak Hospital
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi-110002


Its gives me immense pleasure and pride to invite you to 5th National Thalassemia Conference on 11th & 12th Nov'2006 at Kalawati Saran Children's Hospital, followed by a workshop on Monday 13th Nov'2006, at Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital & UCMS Dilshad Garden, Shahdara.

Medical science is changing very fast in this modern era. Many new changes have taken place since our last Conference in 2003. This conference will bring the wide smile on the grim faces of the Thalassemic patients, who have to depend upon daily painful Desferal therapy. Experts will deliver the state of art which will go a long way to help your child to enjoy normal life.

Novartis would be officially launching its new oral iron chelator ICL670 by the brand name EXJADE (Defrasirox). This new Iron chelator can be taken by mouth just once a day. The medicine can also be dissolved in the water, which is good for our young tender children. There have been many other developments in the treatment of Thalassemia. It will be in your interest to participate in above Conference. Early registration will help you in saving the money and help us to look after you well and offer congenial environment.

Doctors who are in the management of Thalassemia will have a golden opportunity to experience on practical aspects of management they should register separately for the workshop since maximum registration is limited to 50 persons only on first come first serve basis.

Workshop will include establishment of a Day Care Centre, laboratory interpretation, clinical picture and use of filters & pumps.  Interesting case studies with endocrine cardiac and growth problems along with their management will be part of workshop, Eminent National & International faculty have been invited to satisfy your feast

Dr. J.S. Arora
Organising Secretary

General information

Registration: Registration is open to all.
Registration Fees:

Early Birds Upto 31st Aug'06
          Single         Rs. 300
          Additional  Rs. 200

Late Comers Upto 31st Oct'06
          Single          Rs.400
          Additional   Rs.300

Spot Registration:
         Single         Rs.500
         Additional  Rs.400

The Registration fee includes: Attendance to all sessions, literature, conference kit, lunch and tea/coffee for both the days.

Accommodation: Limited accommodation will be made available on prior intimation and full advance payment before 10thOct'2006.

Accommodation Charges:
     Class A           Rs.3000 per day
     Class B          Rs.1500 per day
     Guest House  Rs.500 per day

Mode of Payment: Please send registration fee by Demand Draft/Cheque or Cash against receipt to the Conference Secretariat.

Drafts/Cheques should be drawn in favour of "5th National Thalassemia Conference" payable at Delhi/New Delhi. Please add Rs.50/- for outstation cheques.

NOTE: Children below 15 are not allowed .
Additional members will not be provided Conference Kit.

Conference Secretariat:
KG-1/97, Vikas Puri, Delhi110018.
Tel: 65491151, 25511795, 25511796




Name of Additional Member(if applying)-----------------------------------



----------------------------------------------------------Pin ----------------------

Phone: ------------------------------------Fax: ----------------------------------

E-mail: ------------------------------------------

Accommodation Required: Yes/No     Category:  A  B   Guest House

Arrival Date & Time: -----------------Departure Date & Time: ------------

I would like to register for the conference. Please find enclosed

D.D./Cheque No-----------------------------Drawn on -------------------------------------------Date------------------------For Rs.----------------------- Rupees ---------------------------------------as registration fees and accommodation charges (if applied for).

Signature     Date

1. Registration form can be photostated.
2. No cancellation is allowed once the registration fee/accommodation charges are paid.
3. No refund /adjustment will be entertained under any circumstances.

Organizing Committee

Patrons  :           Dr. R.K. Shrivastva   DGHS
                         Dr. G. K Sharma Principal & MS LHMC & KSC Hospital
                         Dr. Anil Agarwal Dean MAMC
                         Dr V.K. Ramteke MS LN Hospital
President :         Km. Surrendar Saini
Chairpersons     Dr. A. K. Dutta
                         Dr. V.P. Choudhry
Org. Secretary:  Dr. J.S. Arora

Scientific Committee

Chairperson : Dr. Jagdish Chandra
 Members : Dr. Anupam Sachdev, Dr. A.P.Dubey,  Dr. Manjula Jain, Dr. Rajat Kumar, Dr. Renu Saxena, Dr. Suneel Gomber, Dr. V.K. Khanna, Dr. Varinder Singh,

Chairperson : Dr. Harish Pemde
Secretary : Ms. Neelam Khurana
Members  : Mr. Ashok Sikka, Mr. Gautam Seth,  Mr. Gulshan Chand, Mr. Jewesh Manuja, Ms. Vandana Arora,

Chairperson : Mr. Neeraj Tripathi
Members : Mr. Ashok Sachdeva, Mr. Gunanand Choudhry, Mr. Neeraj Tripathy
Chairperson : Dr. Mamta Sharma
Members : Dr. Alka Mathur, Dr. Anju Seth,  Dr. Kirti Nanal, Dr. S. Sudha, Dr. Tripty Pensi, Ms. Monisha, Mr. Sonu Kumar, Ms. Sangeeta Bhola

Inauguration & Reception
Chairperson : Ms. Sreelata Rudra
Members : Ms. Swarn Anil, Mr. V.K.Miglani, Mr. Kamal Manchanda, Ms. Anubha Taneja

IAP Delhi    President :        Dr. M.M.A. Faridi
                  Gen. Secretary : Dr. K.C. Tamaria

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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