I would like to point out a new milestone we have reached. Since we opened our new site in February, 2006, just eight months ago, we have had 3450 posts, surpassing the number we have had at our MSN group,
http://groups.msn.com/ThalassemiaPatientsandFriends/_whatsnew.msnw . In over 4 years at MSN we have had 3429 posts and here we just passed 3450. We also have over 350 members. It took 2 years to reach 200 at MSN (Lisa was so delighted to reach that mark) but in the following two years, the membership at MSN reached to well over 600 members. We have a little way to go to reach that but I am sure it won't take 4 years.
I would like to thank everyone who has been part of this group and its success. We deserve a big

and a :five for our efforts.
Way to go everyone!!!!!!!!!