I am always fascinated because many people had more stamina than me when it comes to sports. Lately I had a little argument with my husband on the topic of sports and endurance. When I was in my teens I barely can run far, the furthest, 400m because I would feel so out of breath and tired, which forced me to walk in between of run on school's yearly marathon. After schooling years, I don't run anymore. I am more than happy to do brisk walk, rather than jog because I feel comfortable doing it at a slower pace.
My husband, always believes where there is a will there is a way. He said I must jog. Doing it frequently will increase the stamina and distance. I barely can tell him sometimes in between brisk walking, my hips and knee hurts, needless to say, how to jog? Besides with Hb 8, I feel so tired and so out of breath needless to say climbing stairs is a problem, how to run?
Can anyone shed some light on exercising with low hb? I am trying to understand if you do have the same problem, or may I'm the one with problem?