My Children and I have Thalassemia Minor....

  • 2 Replies
My Children and I have Thalassemia Minor....
« on: March 17, 2011, 09:45:21 PM »
I have Thala. Minor, I have three children.. I also found out I have it when my daughter was getting her 1 year blood work done she is now 12.... I gave the trait to all three of my children. I have never had energy like others, but I was never treated with vitamins as a young child. I now give my children Vitamins daily... My son got a stomach viral infection about a month ago and till then doctors never told me how scary this illness could get.... I was told that because of his Blood level and the Thala. his body had to fight even more to fight the infection, he became very ill spent two weeks sick in bed in, we took him to ER he was kept in the hospital... because of 104.5 fever that would not go down, and a blood level of 7... the Doctor was about to get his blood trans. thank God they were able to contral the fever and with IV and food gets his blood levels high enough to not get the blood trans.... It was the most scariest time of our lives... But we also learned so very much about the illness we should not take it lightly when it comes to our children! We are set to go see a hemoglobin specialist, we are waiting on the referral... I got his blood results today and his blood level is at 9 right now still low, My youngest daughter is at 8. which worrys me because her over all levels were also very low... I hope I can get more info on this if there is any. The Doctor told me today that Iron pills would do nothing for my children if anything it would just constipate them because what they have is genetic, she also told me that I should inform the school that it is perfectly normal for my children to get more tired then others when at play.... I am glad to see that my children and I can talk to other with the blood disorder we dont feel that alone anymore... Take care and hope to talk to you all soon!


Re: My Children and I have Thalassemia Minor....
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2012, 05:29:26 PM »

In 2005, i got  my CBC report i had consitent with Thalasemia minor. But in 2012 its Thalasemai minor. I have no energy to work i can't participate in other activity. My Hemoglobine is 11.

Please suggest me what should i do? I


Re: My Children and I have Thalassemia Minor....
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2012, 09:51:46 PM »
Hi, My children also have this. My kids seem to be ok now. I'm the one giving all the troubles:) Just make sure he drinks lots and lots of water.


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