Hi Andy,
My confusion is growing greater here

We got the hemoglobin electrophoresis back on our 13 yr old son, on his CBC he did not appear to reflect Thalassemia really at all...his results however were very conflicting to me:
Hemoglobin A1 93.7 L (>96.0%)
Hemoglobin F 4.1 H (<2.0%)
Hemoglobin A2 2.2 (1.8-3.5%)
Erythrocyte count 4.07 L (4.10-5.70)
Hgb 12.3 (12-16.9)
Hct 36.0 (36-49)
MCV 88.3 (78-98)
MCH 30.3 (25-35)
MCHC 34.3 (31-36)
RDW 14.3 (11-15)
Ferritin 25 (7-142)
WBC 6.0 (4.5-13)
RBC 4.17 (4.10-5.70)
Platelet 355 (140-400)
"Red and White blood cell morphology appears unremarkable" they also noted that "Delta Beta Thal...unlikely without microcytosis and the elevation of HbF is not high enough to suggest HPFH". Then they listed possible acquired causes that were pretty scary!
Then on my newest CBC (all my iron levels were within normal range) the only two things really out of range were my RBC at 5.16 (3.8-5.1) and my RDW at 16.5 (11-15). They noted "The most stringent of three thalassemia screening formulae is positive, but the lack of even mild anemia, the presence of anisocytosis, no poikilocytosis as usually seen with beta-thal, and the low-normal ferritin level militate against thalassemia-minor. If further testing is clinically indicated, the Alpha-Globin common mutation analysis...would be helpful".
If my children have presence of Fetal Hgb which is found with Beta-Thal and I don't have Beta-Thal then there father must? or is it possible that I might just be a carrier and had it show up only during pregnancy?
Oh boy, this is not just a simple diagnosis journey is it, lol!
Thanks so much,