i thing the most damage happened to the lever is comming fromn the IRON from my experiance with my son i found out when i reduce the feritin level from the body the leverttry to come back to the normal without fibrosesbecause in Oct. 2002 Dr paola polchi she told me your son is grade 3 and have lever fibroses we like to do the BMT to grade two and one is more better any way as every body know's he got a rejiction ... in May 2005 when Dr Paola took a sample from the lever she told me we found out your son is Grade two what did you do for him from march 2003 up to May2005 ...
actually i gave him high dose of Desferal (( i just ignore the DR.in kuwait caution))for almost 2 year i just give him high dose and good healthy fresh food and toooooo much of water try to find out a water with low menerals like iron .. even when he go to bath his urine color is real red also with lever and kidny and heart profile every two week and also all inzime ...
As i said i found the most problem and the reason who make my son lever fibroses is FIRETIN
so becarful because it will effect not only the lever but also the heart kidny skin etc...
state of kuwait