Thal Minor trait, MTHFR C677T and Lyme.....need your help!

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Thal Minor trait, MTHFR C677T and Lyme.....need your help!
« on: March 16, 2012, 07:45:13 PM »
I'm a new member of this board and I'm hoping that anyone who may have some experience and /or knowledge about thal minor and possibly MTHFR and lyme can shed some light on what impact thal minor may be having on my MTHFR C677T issue and perhaps lyme.

I'm a 60 year old female who has been battling lyme /coinfections such as babesia and bartonella for a number of years with periods of remission.  I recently found out through a hematologist's workup that I have beta thal minor trait and MTHFR C677T gene mutation. 

I was initially referred to a hematologist to find out why my serum b12and folate is high (current B12 level is 1700 and folate is>24).  The hematologist who found the thal minor and supposedly understands MTHFR did not feel that the high b12 level was anything  to be concerned about.   Other doctors have had the same reaction.   However, a clinical nutritionist/metabolic specialist who is knowledgeable about MTHFR has informed me that the high b12 is due to the fact that those of us with MTHFR issues cannot convert b12 to a form that our body can absorb so it just accumulates in our blood stream masking a possible deficiency.   Does thal minor have any bearing on the b12 level or on the MTHFR issue at all?

After a recent stressful period in my life I am currently experiencing fatigue, and moderate weakness ( especially in lower part of legs) off balance feeling.....I have read that some thal minors experience these symptoms after stress etc. but in my case I'm not sure if it's the lyme resurfacing or ???

Would appreciate any advice and/or recommendations regarding my situation.  Also if anyone knows a good doctor in the NY/NJ area who understands thal and/or MTHFR please let me know.

Thank you all for your help!


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