Pregnancy and Probable Alpha-Thal trait

  • 1 Replies
Pregnancy and Probable Alpha-Thal trait
« on: March 27, 2012, 11:49:13 PM »
Hello All,

I am quite happy that i found this website.

My wife is 17 weeks pregnant with second baby. She had done her test recently and she was diagnosed with "probable alpha-thalassemic trait". We had our doubts on reports as nothing was diagnoed in her first pregnancy and blood results were normal.  We insisted on repeating the blood test to rule out any possibility of an error.  Latest Blood reports also mentioned "no partner test indicated".  Below are the test results - 2 from this pregnancy(most recent ones) and 1 from last pregnancy (3 years back).

Most recent Blood report

(Haematology/Coagulation)  Collected 22 Mar 2012 14:24 Received 22 Mar 2012 18:14
Hgb separation
    HgbE/P pattern        Hb A + Hb A2      
    Hb A2        3.1   %   2.3 - 3.4
    Hb F        0.2   %   0.0 - 1.2
    Haemoglobin separation comment              
No abnormal haemoglobin detected
Probable alpha thalassaemia trait. Partner testing not indicated.

(Haematology/Coagulation)  Collected 22 Mar 2012 14:24 Received 22 Mar 2012 18:14
    WBC    *   15.6   x109/l   4.0 - 11.0
    RBC        4.64   x1012/l   3.74 - 4.99
    Hgb        12.1   g/dl   11.4 - 15.0
    Haematocrit        0.373   ratio   0.357 - 0.460
    MCV    *   80.4   fl   83.0 - 101.0
    MCH    *   26.1   pg   26.7 - 32.9
    MCHC        32.4   g/dl   31.4 - 35.0
    RDW        14.8   %   8.3 - 17.5
    Platelets        223   x109/l   120 - 400
    MPV        10.9   fl   8.0 - 12.0
    Neutrophils    *   11.5   x109/l   2.0 - 7.5
    Lymphocytes        3.1   x109/l   1.0 - 3.5
    Monocytes        0.8   x109/l   0.3 - 1.0
    Eosinophils        0.2   x109/l   0.0 - 0.4
    Basophils        0.0   x109/l   0.0   - 0.1

Blood tests done last month....

(Haematology/Coagulation)  Collected 08 Feb 2012 12:28 Received 08 Feb 2012 13:43
Hgb separation
    HgbE/P pattern        Hb A + Hb A2      
    Hb A2        3.0   %   2.3 - 3.4
    Hb F        0.2   %   0.0 - 1.2
    Haemoglobin separation comment              
No abnormal haemoglobin detected
 Probable alpha thalassaemia trait. Partner testing not indicated.

(Haematology/Coagulation)  Collected 08 Feb 2012 12:28 Received 08 Feb 2012 13:43
    WBC    *   11.4   x109/l   4.0 - 11.0
    RBC    *   5.03   x1012/l   3.74 - 4.99
    Hgb        13.1   g/dl   11.4 - 15.0
    Haematocrit        0.388   ratio   0.357 - 0.460
    MCV    *   77.1   fl   83.0 - 101.0
    MCH    *   26.0   pg   26.7 - 32.9
    MCHC        33.8   g/dl   31.4 - 35.0
    RDW        15.0   %   8.3 - 17.5
    Platelets        236   x109/l   120 - 400
    MPV        11.1   fl   8.0 - 12.0
    Neutrophils    *   7.7   x109/l   2.0 - 7.5
    Lymphocytes        2.8   x109/l   1.0 - 3.5
    Monocytes        0.8   x109/l   0.3 - 1.0
    Eosinophils        0.1   x109/l   0.0 - 0.4
    Basophils        0.0   x109/l   0.0 - 0.1

Blood tests for last pregnancy...3 years bacl...

(Haematology/Coagulation)  Collected 07 Nov 2008 14:45 Received 07 Nov 2008 16:55
Hgb separation
    HgbE/P pattern        Hb A + Hb A2      
    Hb A2        3.0   %   2.0 - 3.3
    Hb F        0.3   %   0 - 1
    Haemoglobin separation comment              
No evidence of common haemoglobin variant (e.g. Hb S or Hb C) or thalassaemia.
(Haematology/Coagulation)  Collected 07 Nov 2008 14:45 Received 07 Nov 2008 16:55
    WBC    *   12.3   x10   4.0 - 11.0
    RBC        4.85   x10   3.74 - 4.99
    Hgb        13.5   g/dl   11.4 - 15.0
    Haematocrit        0.385   ratio   0.357 - 0.460
    MCV    *   79.4   fl   83.0 - 101.0
    MCH        27.8   pg   26.7 - 32.9
    MCHC    *   35.1   g/dl   31.4 - 35.0
    RDW        13.4   %   8.3 - 17.5
    Platelets        226   x10   120 - 400
    MPV        10.6   fl   8.0 - 12.0
    Neutrophils    *   8.4   x10   2.0 - 7.5
    Lymphocytes        2.9   x10   1.0 - 3.5
    Monocytes        0.8   x10   0.3 - 1.0
    Eosinophils        0.2   x10   0.0 - 0.4
    Basophils        0.0   x10   0.0 - 0.1

Now, can any one please clarrify my following doubts..

1) If my wife did not have this earler then how it can suddenly come up? As far as i have read this is hereditary and can not be developed over the course of time. She has been a very active lady through out her life without any physical problems like anemia, fatigue etc..

2) If my wife is Alpha- Thal trait then i should be tested as well so that there is no risk to my baby but when we asked Dr about the same then he said that your blood tests are not required. Can someone please guide me if my blood tests are actually required or not as we want to know things and be mentally prepared for everything.

3) Are these results can be because of some other underlying problem other than Alpha-Thal trait?

4) Any inputs / pointers / explanations for these would be ighly appreciated as i not from medical background.

Thanks alot for your help.

-A worrying dad.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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  • Will thal rule you or will you rule thal?
Re: Pregnancy and Probable Alpha-Thal trait
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2012, 03:58:05 AM »
Th electrophoresis for an adult will have similar results for normal or for alpha trait. Your wife's hemoglobin percentages are all normal and have been normal all along. Unless inclusion bodies were also observed, I can't tell you why it is suspected as alpha trait. Have you asked the doctor what about the electrophoresis suggests alpha trait? Is there any family history?

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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