Starting IP-6, L-Carnitine, Wheatgrass, Resveratrol, Bergamot tea

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Offline CrazyPharm

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Hello everyone!

I've been doing a lot of reading (mostly old posts) regarding the mixed benefits of IP-6, L-Carnitine, Wheatgrass, Resveratrol, and Bergamot in either chelating iron or inducing HbF levels. It is my personal opinion safely and effectively inducing HbF levels will prove most beneficial to Thalassemia patients. I have had a keen interest in this area for many years. Newer HbF inducers currently under-study have yet to be approved by the FDA and we may be looking at a prolonged time-frame. I am looking to experiment with these agents myself and reporting on my findings.

My background before I go into my upcoming experiment/trial:

25 yo Male with Thalassemia Major, 6'0, 155 lbs (~70 kg)
Transfusion frequency: 750 ml PRBC every 3 weeks
Oral chelator: Exjade 2500 mg by mouth once daily
as of 3/28/2012 - Serum Ferritin: 1168, Hgb: 8.8
Spleen intact

I am planning to start taking a couple of these agents first and slowly adding on the rest to see where the benefit is. I humbly request some advice on which of these do you think I should start first and at what dose? I am leaning towards Resveratrol and L-Carnitine, mainly because I am hoping to see a Hgb increase.

Here are the brands I am deciding to purchase on these products, I would also like everyone's opinion on what they think of these or if they suggest another brand which has been efficacious for them:

1) Resveratrol: Res98 Pure Microionized 100 mg by Pureandhealthy

2) Wheatgrass: Dr. Wheatgrass shots

3) IP-6: Jarrow Formulas IP6 500 mg

4) L-Carnitine: Jarrow Formulas L-Carnitine 500 mg

5) Bergamot: Stash Premium Double Bergamot Earl Grey Tea Bags

I hope all is well! Your input is greatly appreciated. What have you seen/heard as the optimal doses for these products in adults, specifically for Thalassemia Major? What doses do you think I should start myself out at? I couldn't find much info. regarding Bergamot so I'm trying the tea bags (haha). Feel free to tweak my regimen!



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Starting IP-6, L-Carnitine, Wheatgrass, Resveratrol, Bergamot tea
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2012, 12:52:06 AM »
First a note about Bergamot. The tea is fine and Stash tea is a good company. I don't know if you will find any effect from the bergamot, but you should be drinking tea for its iron inhibiting and antioxidant value. But as far as I have found, there is no source for bergamot that is safe to ingest. The most common form is as an aromatherapy oil and this is toxic if taken internally or externally.

All the brands you mentioned are good quality.
For resveratrol, take 1-2 caps daily.
Take one cap full of wheatgrass shots daily.
IP6 1000 mg daily. Look for subtle changes in skin tone during the first month.
L-carnitine 500-100 mg daily.

I would actually say introduce all except L-carnitine at once and then add that a month later.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline CrazyPharm

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Re: Starting IP-6, L-Carnitine, Wheatgrass, Resveratrol, Bergamot tea
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2012, 02:37:35 PM »
Hi Andy,

I have started the resveratrol and IP6. Currently taking 100 mg of resveratrol with no gastrointestinal side effects as mentioned by some users. I'm taking 1000 mg of IP6 as 500 mg and 500 mg (twice daily). Can I take 1000mg at once?

Haven't started the wheatgrass yet, I hear some patients report terrible gastrointestinal side effects; so I'm a little hesitant/weary of that for now.

Do you think resveratrol 100-200 mg would be enough to notice changes in Hgb?
My main goal is to increase Hgb (through HbF induction). Do you think I can achieve that with these doses?

I contacted the researchers who tested L-Carnitine in the pediatric population in Egypt at 50mg/kg and 100mg/kg doses and they suggested I take a max of 3000 mg per day based on my weight. Would 500 - 1000 mg as you mentioned be enough to increase HbF/decrease transfusion frequency to a noticeable effect?
Also, would Bergamot stash tea would be fine to ingest? Also any other thing out there that may be worth a try?

Thanks, I'll keep everyone posted!

Andy, have you heard anything further regarding Hemaquest's HQK-1001? Are they moving closer to Phase III trials? It may reduce the transfusion requirement in the Thal. Major population by mildly increasing Hgb levels.


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