Hi everybody,
I want to speake from my experiences with port-a-cath.
The first port i get in March 94 to try an high dose therapie with IV Desferal. No one had experiences in this area but it was my only chance to save my live.
After 18 month i get the first septicemia

because of an contamination with a strain of bacteria you will finde on every skin. It was eliminated by antibiotic. During the next year the port get repeated contamiations.

Fianly the doc explaned that it would be to dangeros to let the port in because the interval between one septicemia to the next was monthly. Sooner or later the strain of bacteria would be resistent for abtibiotics. Therfor they would explant the port and implant a new one a few month later. So we did. In december 96 explantation and May 97 a new port.
I thought now things woud be better but also this one get contaminated. At last every time they pricked the port ( every 14 days) I got fever for a few days.

Again doctors told me to explante the port and insert a new one. But this time i refused an other surgery

even i didn't know a better way for me.
To finde a solution I began to read a lot of medical reports concerning this topic.

I find out that those who used port for regular transfusion or food intake developed more often an septicemia then thouse who used it for chemiotherapie, because blood and food through infusion are perfect culture medium for bacteria.
Than I read an abstract about a thalassemic who recived 18 ports in nine years. It was clear for me to find soonly a solution because i never want to pass through so many surgerys in my life.
After a while I find a way and I only had to convince the docter that this would be a good way. It was very simple. After every use we inject a solution of 10 ml NaCl with 200 mg Targocid (antibiotic) and a little bit of an anticoagulant.

By the way, I still have same port from 1997.
Hope this can help somebody of you
God bless you