Iron Chelation via IV drip

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Re: Iron Chelation via IV drip
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2008, 10:45:36 AM »
Could you please elaborate on what you say "process of desentisization"?

I used to take Desferal via IV too when i was about 8 but had to stop because i used to face the same symptoms faced by Sajid (Shortness of breath, Skin used to turn red, severe itching) I found out that i was severely allergic to desferal then. An allergy specialist recommended to my doctors the process of desentisization (i.e regularizing your body with the medication by putting in small doses of desferal over a period of 8-10 hrs and then inserting the real dose of 6 to 8 gms in 500 ml of solution) this method worked wonders and was the only option available at that time. This practice is still effective for people who need desferal but are allergic to it. In case any one needs the exact process of dilution please drop me a message, I'll be happy to provide it
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Re: Iron Chelation via IV drip
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2008, 11:05:58 AM »
This process may be used for medicines which you need one way or the other but your body does not accept it causing an allergic reaction.

For eg in Desferal, I had to take the medicine for the sake of survival but my body was not accepting the drug. The only way then is to force the body to accept it. One way of doing this is desentisization when the body is exposed to the medicine over a long period of time (8 to 10 hours) starting of with extremely low concentration levels  and increasing the dosage after every 30 to 60 mins so that the body starts getting used to the drug. In the end of the process the allergic tendencies of the body for that particular drug fades away (not completely-benadryl is also used as a compliment to help the case) and the regular dosage may be administered for 2 or 3 straight nights as the body is desentisized.

This is a very long process and is used for exceptions only when there are severe allergies related. It is not regular practice.

Hope it's clear


Offline Eponine

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Re: Iron Chelation via IV drip
« Reply #32 on: February 06, 2008, 11:22:35 AM »
This process may be used for medicines which you need one way or the other but your body does not accept it causing an allergic reaction.

For eg in Desferal, I had to take the medicine for the sake of survival but my body was not accepting the drug. The only way then is to force the body to accept it. One way of doing this is desentisization when the body is exposed to the medicine over a long period of time (8 to 10 hours) starting of with extremely low concentration levels  and increasing the dosage after every 30 to 60 mins so that the body starts getting used to the drug. In the end of the process the allergic tendencies of the body for that particular drug fades away (not completely-benadryl is also used as a compliment to help the case) and the regular dosage may be administered for 2 or 3 straight nights as the body is desentisized.

This is a very long process and is used for exceptions only when there are severe allergies related. It is not regular practice.

Wish I could do this for L1...  :sigh


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