Dr.Sodani visits for free in India thalassemia patients who want to do a BMT

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Offline EugenioLaMesa

  • Cure Thalassemia co-founder and chairman
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    • Cure Thalassemia - Life without Thalassemia major No more transfusions
Dr. Pietro Sodani (Cure Thalassemia scientific coordinator,who has done more than 400 BMTs with Prof. Lucarelli,the inventor of BMT for thalassemia and,the worldwide authority and our scientific advisor) lives in Italy,and he regularly goes to India in Bangalore.
Even if most of what we do is done remotely via telemedicine,conference call and email,it is VERY important that every thalassemia patient planning to do a Bone Marrow Transplant(BMT) is personally visited by Dr. Sodani,before deciding to do the BMT.

The visit is free, a reservation is required.

Content of the visit:

  • check health conditions of the patient
  • assign the class of risk to the patient
  • indicate the most effective protocol for the BMT,according to the class of risk (there are many of them)
  • check health conditions of the donor (if brother/sister or parent)
  • attest the probability of success of the BMT
  • give guidelines for the treatment before the BMT

You can read all the details, the next available date and can make the reservation here:
Eugenio La Mesa
Co-founder and Chairman
Cure Thalassemia
Live without Thalassemia major - No more transfusions
Become our fan on Facebook: http://fb.com/CureThalassemia


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