Help me out guys

  • 7 Replies
Help me out guys
« on: May 23, 2012, 01:37:11 PM »
I just found out I have thal minor at the age of 18.

The only thing the doctor prescribed for me is vitamin D and he quickly waved me home.
I go to the gym 7 days a week and run very often. My aims are to get into post-grad Medicine hopefully (who really cares right?).

Three things:
1. I want to go hardcore at the gym
2. I want to study hardcore
3. I don't want to look pale

I'm kind of lost, thank goodness I have found this site.

So what should I take? Can someone compile a list for me with things like folic acid and such?

What daily routines should I do?
Also does shakeology make up for all those tablets and vitamins?


Offline Bobby

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Re: Help me out guys
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2012, 03:08:35 PM »
Welcome Optimist.

I am a Thal Intermedia and credit my frequent gym visits as the reason I do as well as I do. I say go hardcore and enjoy your workout. I have yet to have my Thal stop me from an activity. I take daily multi-vitamins without iron and also protein workout shakes to build muscle. Protein shakes aren't necessary, I am just trying to get bigger. I don't normally run because it burns all of my calories. Mainly weight lifting for me. 

You should also be fine with studying. For me studying is when I get tired. I think it has more to do with boredom though.  :dunno Probably should workout to an extreme if you have alot of studying to do anyway. Even a non thal would be tired.

As far as being pale.  :huh hmmm. I've never been pale. Juandiced as a kid which caused a yellowish tint to my skin, but it has long since cleared. I have noticed that the palms of my hands have more color. I think this is due to being in better shape also.

Hope this helped. Feel free to ask whatever you want and good luck on getting into post-grad medicine.

Re: Help me out guys
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2012, 03:04:46 AM »
Thanks Bobby,
I really appreciate the advice, anecdotes and support. Do you by any chance take wheat grass?

I really think finding out I have thal has made me a more humble person and I reckon this is a blessing in disguise to be honest.


Offline Bobby

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Re: Help me out guys
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2012, 02:23:24 PM »
I have tried Wheatgrass in tablet form, but not as consistent as I should. I have an occasional glass of red wine for the resveratrol benefits, besides that it's just a multi-vitamin (GNC) and large diet of tea.

Most Thals I think have very humble personalities. Especially here and the facebook group. Always doing the most to uplift each other. It's definitely a trait more people should have.  :biggrin so yes, a blessing in disguise.

Re: Help me out guys
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2012, 04:24:24 PM »
Okay awesome I might try some teas as well!   :biggrin   

Yeah I agree the support here is really warming, since most of us don't personally know other people with thal. I shall checkout that Facebook group  :biggrin


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Help me out guys
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2012, 11:06:03 PM »
The Facebook thalpal group can be found at

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Help me out guys
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2012, 02:18:10 PM »
Cheers andy!

Re: Help me out guys
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2012, 03:51:54 AM »
Hi Optimist,

One of the questions you asked was a list of supplements in the original post. Here is a nice list from Andy:,4458.msg43201.html#msg43201


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